The use of biometric technologies for bank transaction security management against the background of the international experience: Evidence from Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 16 2021 , Issue #2, pp. 47-58
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In view of the expanding range of banking services in Ukraine, the issue of introducing innovative means of protecting consumers against illegal actions in the field of banking becomes relevant. This paper aims to determine the effectiveness of biometric technologies for customer identification during banking transactions, the legality of their use, and to identify areas for the development of state policy focused on the legal use of biometric data in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities. Based on analysis and systematization of scientific publications and regulatory framework, it was found that a potential direction for banks to implement the customer focus concept in their services to establish the appropriate level of security is the use of biometric technologies that ensure the proper storage of personal data. The summarized information on the actual application of biometric identification methods in the banking sector allows stating that the factors stipulating the criminal offenses using biometric data can be neutralized by the subjects of counteracting such offenses and through effective legal remedies. Contradictions arising between the state of regulatory support and the actual needs for the use of biometric technologies in the field of banking in Ukraine decelerate the use of effective security tools with a high degree of reliability in the banking sector. It is concluded that further implementation of biometrics in the banking sector in Ukraine requires a comprehensive approach and consideration of the best world practices.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G21, G23, K14, F52
- Figure 1. Factors hindering the introduction of biometric technologies in the field of banking in Ukraine
- Figure 2. A set of legal mechanisms to be implemented for protecting biometric data for needs of the Ukrainian banking sector
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