Methodological bases of estimating the efficiency of economic security management of the enterprises in the global environment
Article InfoVolume 15 2018, Issue #2, pp. 145-153
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The article analyzes concepts to determining the essence of the economic security management at an enterprise. The main features of identifying the effectiveness of economic security management at the enterprise are stipulated. The theoretical and methodological approach to determining the effectiveness of economic security management of the enterprise is proposed, which allows to identify the threats and predict their consequences, to provide internal balance in the enterprise activity and the compliance of its mission and strategic direction of the activity with its key interests. Moreover, it is proposed to use the matrix of comparing the level of the enterprise economic security (EES) and the total impact on the EES level in one of the scenarios (pessimistic, optimistic, and most probable), which allows to assess the effectiveness of the economic security management of the enterprises and provide recommendations to increase the latter, minimizing destructive effects of dominant threats in the context of certain functional components of the economic security.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)A1, L3, G32
- Figure 1. Relationship between the functions of economic security management and enterprise management
- Figure 2. The scheme of implementing the theoretical and methodological approach to determining the EESM effectiveness
- Table 1. Scale for assessing the EESM effectiveness
- Table 2. Scale of estimating the total impact of threats on the enterprise economic security
- Table 3. Matrix for comparing the indicator value of the EESM efficiency and the total degree of threats impact on the economic security
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