Proposed changes to the Bank Indonesia law as a solution to the impact of the COVID-19 spread on banking in Indonesia
Article InfoVolume 16 2021 , Issue #2, pp. 127-136
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Every amendment to the Bank Indonesia Law is caused by a situation that requires changes to the Law regulating the Central Bank in Indonesia as a solution. The spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia has also led to proposals to amend the Bank Indonesia Law. The purpose of the study is to find answers to the relevance of the proposed Amendment to Bank Indonesia Law to address the spread of COVID-19 to banking institutions in Indonesia. This type of research methods is normative legal research. In normative legal analysis, secondary data are used, consisting of primary and secondary legal materials. They are obtained from applicable regulations in Indonesia. The study results show that every change is always based on events that prove the weak implementation of existing rules with a regulatory and conceptual approach. The spread of COVID-19 is a situation, that has no practical basis and requires amendments to the Bank Indonesia Law as an alternative solution. Also, the proposed amendments are not yet relevant to address the impact of COVID-19 on banks because they have not yet realized and achieved the legal goals of providing benefits to the community.
Thanks to Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia, for providing funding for research and publication.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)K12, K22, O24
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