Islamic social reporting disclosure as a form of social responsibility of Islamic banks in Indonesia
Article InfoVolume 15 2020, Issue #2, pp. 47-55
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Sharia-compliant companies had to add Islamic Social Reporting when disclosing Corporate Social Responsibility information due to its characteristics. Sharia-compliant companies in Indonesia still do not do this much, and it is very interesting to study, because every sharia-based entity must comply with sharia provisions in all aspects of its activities, including when compiling social reporting. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of profitability, liquidity, leverage, and an Islamic Governance Score on Islamic Social Reporting in Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia. The sampling is carried out using a purposive sampling technique for up to 10 Islamic commercial banks with a six-year observation period, so there are 60 units of analysis. The data are collected using a documentation technique. The analysis in the study uses panel data regression. Based on a Random Effect Model, the study showed that profitability and leverage do not affect Islamic Social Reporting, while liquidity and the Islamic Governance Score had an impact on the Islamic Social Reporting.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M14, M41
- Table 1. Variable description
- Table 2. Hypotheses testing results
- Table 3. Hypotheses acceptance or rejection
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