Impact of determinants of the financial distress on financial sustainability of Ethiopian commercial banks
Article InfoVolume 14 2019, Issue #3, pp. 187-201
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The study aims to investigate the impact of determinants of financial distress on financial sustainability of Ethiopian commercial banks. The balanced panel data of 12 commercial banks of Ethiopia have been taken for the study from 2011 to 2017. The research deploys Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Regression Model. The indicators of financial distress are bank’s specific internals and macro-economic factors. The proxies of financial sustainability are Return on Assets, Return on Equity, Financial Stability Index and Bank Soundness. The findings reveal that the Absolute Liquidity Risk and Net Income Growth are found to be positive and significant and Solvency Risk negative and significant in relation to Return on Assets. Asset Quality is found to be positive and significant and Solvency Risk negative and significant with respect to Return on Equity. The Asset Quality and Net Income Risk are positive and significant and Solvency Risk is negative and significant with relation to the Financial Stability Index. Absolute Liquidity Risk and Liquidity Risk are positive and significant and Credit Risk negative and significant with Bank Soundness. Free Cash Flow and Net Income Growth are essential for enhancing Return on Assets and Bank Soundness, and managing equity within the prudential norms could bring forth short-term financial sustainability of commercial banks. By lowering provisioning of loan loss, Growth in Net Interest Income and managing Solvency Risk could ensure financial stability to the banks, which in turn leads to financial sustainability. The study reveals that financial sustainability of banks is insulated from the exposures of systematic risks originating from macroeconomic factors.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G21, G32, G33, L25, O16
- Table 1. List of variables and their proxies and symbols
- Table 2. Serial correlation test amongst the variables
- Table 3. PF test between pooled and fixed effect regression models
- Table 4. Fixed effect regression model on return on assets
- Table 5. Fixed effect regression model on Return on Equity
- Table 6. Fixed effect regression model on Financial Stability Index
- Table 7. Fixed effect regression model on bank soundness
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