The influence of religiosity and self-efficacy on the saving behavior of the Іslamic banks
Article InfoVolume 12 2017, Issue #3, pp. 35-47
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Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world. However, since the Islamic banks were being established in Indonesia for about 20 years, their market share only accounts for about 5% in the Indonesian banking system. Muslim participations in using Islamic bank are relatively low. This study expands the Theory of Planned Behavior by adding the variables of religiosity and self-efficacy. Previous studies have not examined this new expanded model to analyze customers who participated in using the saving Islamic bank’s products and services. Based on 220 Islamic bank consumers who participated in the study, the study indicated that questionnaires about religiosity and self-efficacy had good external validity and could be adapted for the Indonesian culture context. The most interesting finding was that the religiosity variable strongly enhanced the use of Islamic banks. Similarly, this study found that the self-efficacy variable improved an intention of customers to participate in the Islamic banking system. This paper also discusses the implications of the findings and recommendations for future studies.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M31, M41, G21, Z12
- Figure 1. Theory of Planned Behavior
- Figure 2. Research model
- Table 1. Response rate of the survey
- Table 2. Variables definition and references
- Table 3. Hypotheses test results
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