Determining the priority sources for attracting deposits in the formation of the financial potential of banks
Article InfoVolume 12 2017, Issue #3, pp. 215-227
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The attraction of deposits by the banks in Ukraine is the basis for the formation of their resource base, which is an essential component of the banking financial potential. A qualitative formation of the bank’s resource base is carried out through proper management of attracting deposits in terms of their selection and giving preferences to specific sources of resource allocation. That is why the determination of priorities in attracting resources by banks and the formation of appropriate tools is an important tactical task in ensuring the stability of the Ukrainian banking system. The problem of new approaches to the management of deposits was especially acute during the crisis and the reduction of confidence of the population of Ukraine in the banking system, which makes actual the topic of the article and determines the importance of solving the tasks set in it. The goal of the paper is to develop tools for determining priorities of the main sources of attracting deposits by banks taking into account the system of criteria as a prerequisite for optimizing deposit portfolios of banks and the basis for the formation of their financial potential. The article proposes a sequence of stages and the corresponding tools that ensure the determination of priorities of different sources for attracting deposit funds of banks taking into account the criteria of time, minimization of costs and risks, balanced state of terms and volumes, equilibrium of costs and risks, ensuring a qualitative formation and effective use of the financial potential of the bank, ensuring a certain level of development of the bank. The use of the proposed approach made it possible to obtain such estimates that reflect priorities according to the criteria of minimization and equilibrium of risks and costs, a balanced state of terms and volumes and ensuring a specified level of the bank’s development, making it possible to determine the priorities of the main sources of attraction of financial resources for five banks in Ukraine.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G21
- Figure 1. The task of determining the priority of the main sources of deposit funds of the bank in the system of the bank’s deposit management and the stages of its solution
- Figure 2. The hierarchy of criteria for evaluating the formation of banks’ deposit portfolios and determining the priority of sources for attracting deposit funds
- Table 1. Generalization of the opinions of researchers regarding the criteria for assessing the bank’s deposit activity
- Table 2. The scale for assessing the values of the indicators of costliness, maturity and riskiness of the sources of the attracted bank deposits
- Table 3. Score assessment of the indicators of costliness, maturity and riskiness according to the sources of attraction of funds of TAScombank PJSC in 2015
- Table 4. Priorities of the main sources of financial resources of the analyzed banks according to the data of 2012–2015
- Table 5. Specific weight of components of deposit portfolios of the analyzed banks and the corresponding priorities for 2014–2016
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