Vince Ratnawati
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Factors maximizing tax auditors’ performance: Study on Indonesian Directorate General of Taxes
Vince Ratnawati, Nita Wahyuni
, Desmond Freddy
, Arridho Abduh
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #4 pp. 422-435
Views: 529 Downloads: 180 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe purpose of this study is to investigate factors that affect tax auditors’ performance, including the moderating role of work environment. The saturated sampling technique was employed as a sampling technique. Of the 166 tax auditors of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) in Riau Region as respondents, 132 questionnaires were returned, fulfilled the requirements, and were complete. Multiple regression analysis was used to test the first, second, and third hypotheses. However, moderated regression analysis was used for the fourth, fifth, and sixth hypotheses testing. The multiple regression analysis results showed that organizational commitment and job satisfaction have a positive effect on the tax auditors’ performance with a p-value for each 0.014 and 0.006. This indicates that the higher the organizational commitment and job satisfaction of the tax auditors, the better their performance. Meanwhile, job stress was found to have a negative effect on the tax auditors’ performance (p-value is 0.006); therefore, the higher the job stresses, the lower the performance. The results also found that work environment as a pure moderator strengthens the effect of organizational commitment on tax auditors’ performance (p-values of Z and X1Z each are 0.279 and 0.000). Meanwhile, work environment as a quasi-moderator also strengthens the effect of job satisfaction with p-values of Z 0.000 and X2Z 0.580. Work environment also moderates and strengthens the effect of job stress on the tax auditors’ performance with p-values of Z 0.000 and X3Z 0.597.
Determinants of tax compliance of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 21, 2023 Issue #3 pp. 601-613
Views: 599 Downloads: 566 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯTaxes are the most significant contributor to the Indonesian budget; therefore, increasing taxpayer compliance is crucial for achieving tax revenue realization. This study aims to investigate the role of tax incentives and motivational postures in increasing taxpayer compliance. The analysis was conducted in Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia, and the sample consisted of MSME taxpayers registered at the Pekanbaru Tax Service Office. Purposive sampling was utilized to collect data, and of the 384 returned questionnaires, 254 were used for statistical analysis. Multiple regression analysis was utilized to examine the impact of tax incentives on taxpayer compliance, and moderated regression analysis was applied to test the moderating role of motivational postures. The findings showed that the p-values of the first and second hypotheses were 0.00 and 0.001 (0.05, with a positive β value), and the third hypothesis had 0.001 (< 0.05, with a negative β value). This result indicates that the first, second, and third hypotheses are accepted, which means that the more taxpayers feel that tax incentives are beneficial, the greater their compliance with their tax responsibilities. Additionally, tax incentives significantly raise taxpayer compliance when they have a positive motivational posture and decrease it if they have a negative one. The implications of this study influence tax authorities to incentivize taxpayers to increase compliance. Knowledge of the taxpayer’s motivational postures will make it easier for tax authorities to manage taxpayer behavior to increase taxpayer compliance.
The influence of social entrepreneurship orientation and competitive advantage on the performance of rural social enterprises
Yesi Mutia Basri, Poppy Nurmayanti
, Vince Ratnawati
, Jeni Wardi
, Qomariah Lahamid
, Linda Hetri Suriyanti
, Desrir Miftah
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 22, 2024 Issue #2 pp. 379-388
Views: 390 Downloads: 90 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe development gap between urban and rural areas is a concern in many countries, including Indonesia. Currently, the government has introduced rural businesses to overcome this problem. This study aims to analyze the effect of social entrepreneurship on the performance of rural social entrepreneurs and test competitive advantage as a mediator. The population includes village-owned enterprises in Riau Province, Indonesia; the sample was stratified randomly. Village-owned enterprises are distributed based on classification, namely basic, growing, developing, and advanced. Respondents are managers of village-owned enterprises. Each village received five questionnaires, and 399 company managers decided to join the survey. The study employed structural equation modeling partial least squares to prove that competitive advantage influences organizational performance with a p-value of 0.000 < 0.05. Social entrepreneurial orientation influences competitive advantage and company performance with a p-value of 0.000. Competitive advantage is proven to mediate the relationship between social entrepreneurial orientation and performance, with a p-value of 0.000. The research results stress the importance of social entrepreneurship in improving company performance in rural areas. For this reason, the government should provide high-quality social entrepreneurship training.
Factors affecting tax auditors’ performance: the moderating role of locus of control
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 18, 2020 Issue #2 pp. 36-45
Views: 1174 Downloads: 513 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aims to investigate the effects of professionalism, competence, and role conflict on the tax auditors’ performance. This study also needs to investigate the moderating role of locus of control. The sample consists of 139 tax auditors at the Riau Directorate General Taxes Office-Indonesia. Data analysis techniques include multiple regression and moderated regression analysis. The results show that professionalism, competence, and role conflict affect the tax auditors’ performance. A tax auditor who is professional, has competence, and does not feel there is conflict in carrying out his/her role, will have better performance. Besides, this study also found out that locus of control moderates the effects of professionalism, competence, and role conflict on the tax auditors’ performance. Internal locus of control will further enhance the tax auditors’ performance with high professionalism, satisfactory competence, and reduce low performance resulting from role conflict. Internal locus of control will improve the performance, which decreases due to the occurrence of role conflict with the tax auditors.
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