Galyna Azarenkova
4 publications
0 books
Implementation of the “bail-in” mechanism in the banking system of Ukraine
Anzhela Kuznetsova , Galyna Azarenkova, Ievgeniia Olefir doi:
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 12, 2017 Issue #3 pp. 269-282
Views: 1092 Downloads: 254 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯOne of the important tasks of the National Bank of Ukraine is to implement the Directive 2014/59/EU namely to introduce the “bail-in” mechanism, which will enable to resolve insolvency of banks or high probability of its occurrence at the expense of internal sources of banks in order to improve the Ukrainian banking system functioning and adapt it to the requirements and standards of the European Union. The foreign experience of the “bail-in” implementation shows that central banks succeeded in restructuring the balance sheets of banks and significantly reduced the risks of their activities. Thus, the purpose of the study is to substantiate the expediency of the “bail-in” mechanism introduction in banking system of Ukraine. The essence of the “bail-in” mechanism is the involvement of shareholders and lenders of the bank in order to restore its solvency by offsetting shareholders’ equity, subordinated debt, and/or converting/writing off other long-term unsecured and unprovided liabilities in a subordinated debt or shares of the bank. In the process of scientific research, using the comparative method, the method of analogies and methods of logical generalization and scientific abstraction, the structure of the “bail-in” mechanism is determined, which consists of methods (conversion of liabilities into capital, liabilities write-off, capital write-off), provision (normative and legal, financial, organizational and institutional, technical and technological, informational) and levers (incentives, sanctions). Using the expert estimation method, it is proposed to evaluate the effectiveness of the “bail-in” mechanism by comparing the quality of the assets of the bank prior to its implementation and after the completion of the action. The results of the study show that, firstly, the implementation of the “bail-in” mechanism in Ukraine will enable the National Bank of Ukraine to interfere with the activities of banks at an early stage of the problems and to take all necessary measures to restore their solvency. Secondly, the “bail-in” mechanism implementation in Ukraine will increase banks’ resilience to shock, crisis and contribute to long-term financial stability.
The influence of financial technologies on the global financial system stability
Galyna Azarenkova, Iryna Shkodina
, Borys Samorodov
, Maksym Babenko
, Iryna Onishchenko
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 15, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 229-238
Views: 2716 Downloads: 1074 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe analysis of the financial technologies introduction has proved that their application over-complicates the institutional structure of the global financial system. As a result, usual functional relationships cease to operate, new institutes and interdependencies appear, and systemic risks increase. In this context, the system instability increases, resulting in a transition to a new institutional status. The analysis of the financial technologies impact on the stability of financial system shows that the lack of institutional support for new financial technologies is the most important catalyst for the financial industry destabilization and the formation of financial bubbles in various market segments.
The ways to reduce the negative impact of financial technologies on the financial system stability (such as development of international prudential standards; revision of the licensing regime for financial companies; “regulatory sandboxes”, which test new technologies, business models and algorithms underlying the Fintech innovations; legal regulation of ownership of digital tokens; and clear definition of the blockchain technology in various areas of life, etc.) have been proposed. -
Financial stability management in banks: strategy maps
Borys Samorodov, Galyna Azarenkova
, Olena Golovko
, Kateryna Oryekhova
, Maksym Babenko
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 14, 2019 Issue #4 pp. 10-21
Views: 1281 Downloads: 239 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯTo prevent crises in the economy, it is necessary to ensure the financial stability of banks, which is one of the main tasks facing the banking system.
The purpose of this article is to develop tools for improving the efficiency of financial stability management in a bank based on strategy maps.
Using UkrSibbank (Ukraine) as an example, two strategy maps are developed: a general management map and a local map – for the international payments division of the operational payments department. Structural elements of the designed strategy maps are: finances, clients, internal processes, training and development.
Implementing the developed general strategy map in the bank’s practical activities involves the following measures: increasing financial stability; avoiding credit risk and optimizing the credit process; increase in profit; cost reduction; introducing new banking products; increase in the number of satisfied consumers; involvement and retention strategic clients.
The developed strategy map for the international payments division of the operational payments department provides for the following measures: ensuring sufficient liquidity level of the bank’s balance sheet; introducing an effective system of analysis of origin of individuals’ and legal entities’ funds; direct correlation between employees of the international payments division and bank customers; timely informing customers regarding requirements updated. -
Implementation of strategic analysis methods to choose a development strategy for the enterprise’s foreign economic activity
Galyna Azarenkova, Olena Golovko
, Kateryna Oryekhova
, Sergii Yavorsky
Geopolitics under Globalization Volume 3, 2019–2020 Issue #1 pp. 1-11
Views: 1162 Downloads: 187 TO CITEThe article considers stages and methods of strategic management of the enterprise’s foreign economic activity. PEST analysis, SWOT analysis and SPACE analysis of foreign economic activity are used on the basis of a particular enterprise. PEST analysis has highlighted political and legal, economic, social and technological factors influencing the foreign economic activity of the analyzed enterprise. SWOT analysis has allowed identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the enterprise. SPACE analysis has revealed that in the absence of growth in the services market, the use of a strategy for the enterprise diversification is acceptable. This strategy involves the creation and development of new services. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the activity of the enterprise in the international economic environment.
Operational control over the financial stability of banking
Angela Kuznetsova , Borys Samorodov, Galyna Azarenkova
, Kateryna Oryekhova
, Maksym Babenko
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 15, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 51-58
Views: 1079 Downloads: 148 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯMaintaining proper financial stability of each banking institution is one of the main tasks facing the banking system of Ukraine. This enables operational control over the financial strength of banking activities.
The purpose of the article is to develop recommendations on the operational control of financial stability of banking and to test them using banking institutions in Ukraine as an example.
To execute operational control over the financial stability of banking, economic standards of banking regulation are grouped under the “at least” or “not exceeding” principle. To determine their change over time, Shewhart control charts are proposed.
The recommendations were tested through the example of the Ukrainian banking institutions (with state, foreign and private capital). It was found out that in 2017–2019, the following three economic standards of banking regulations were not met: regulatory capital adequacy, high credit risk, and average investments; besides, there were two standards at the limit of control value: the ratio of regulatory capital to total assets and the maximum amount of credit risk per counterparty.
To improve the financial status of banking institutions, it is recommended to take organizational and financial measures to change the average value of the relevant economic standards for banking regulation to a level that ensures financial stability. -
Financial planning and improving of its methods
Galyna Azarenkova, Tetyana Pasko
, Olena Golovko
, Yuliia Kovalchuk doi:
Accounting and Financial Control Volume 1, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 39-47
Views: 1821 Downloads: 410 TO CITEThe paper investigates issues, concerning financial planning at the enterprise. Methods and models of financial forecasting are analyzed and their unification is proposed. The main problems of financial instruments using (such as financial planning) are described. Planning is important element of management, which ensures achievement of strategic priorities. Effective financial planning is essential tool of achieving of the main goals of the enterprise - profit maximization and cost of the enterprise. As market conditions in Ukrainian market of goods and services have its own specificity, which is defined, on the one hand, by means of analysis, formation and allocation of financial resources, and, on the other hand, the sources of reserves increasing, in order to implement the operating and investment activities to ensure their sustainable financial development. It should be noted that the formation of these processes has a significant impact on both objective and subjective factors, such as instability of tax policy and regulatory legislation for national currency, the impact of the global economic crisis, reducing the resources and available current assets etc.
Thus, the increasing volatility of external environment requires managerial entities to speed decision-making and direct financial planning and forecasting, in order to reduce the impact of exogenous and endogenous factors on the financial activities of enterprises.
Management of enterprise’s financial sustainability and improvement of its methods
Galyna Azarenkova, Olena Golovko
, Kateryna Abrosimova doi:
Accounting and Financial Control Volume 2, 2018-2019 Issue #1 pp. 1-14
Views: 5562 Downloads: 793 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article is dedicated to the solution of the relevant issue, concerning management of enterprise`s financial sustainability. Financial sustainability assessment is one of the most important principles of enterprise`s activity, which provides information about financial capabilities of the company at the time of its evaluation and for the future. It is a requirement for the enterprise activity, which provides a high level of competitiveness, efficiency and intensity. Thus, the restoration and strengthening of financial sustainability is a priority task for the enterprise, a basic precondition for its effective functioning. The purpose of the research is to analyze financial sustainability and to improve the methods and approaches of its evaluation. The following methods were used in this research: financial and economic analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, analysis and synthesis, comparison. The main results of the study are following: the theoretical and essential characteristics of enterprise financial sustainability has been determined; the financial status of PJSC “Turboatom” has been analyzed; the taxonomic index of financial sustainability has been calculated and the forecast of its significance has been made, the approaches to increase enterprise financial sustainability have been proposed.
- assessment
- banking supervision
- bank insolvency
- cryptocurrencies
- customers
- digital economy
- diversification strategy
- economic bubbles
- economic standards
- equity
- financial conditions
- financial planning
- financial sustainability
- financing strategy
- FinTech
- foreign economic activity
- internal processes
- international payments
- long-
- management
- market conjuncture
- mathematical modeling
- medium- and short-term plans
- micro-analysis
- National Bank of Ukraine
- operational calculations
- operational control
- PEST analysis
- Shewhart control charts
- SPACE analysis
- specific principles
- stability
- stages of strategy formation and implementation
- strategic analysis methods
- subordinated debt
- SWOT analysis
- system analysis
- the intensification of production
- types of strategies
- UkrSibbank
- unsecured non-guaranteed bank liabilities
- “bail-in” mechanism
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