Andreas Andreas
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Earnings management and initial public offerings among Indonesian manufacturing companies
Andreas Andreas, Enni Savitri
, Tatang Ary Gumanti
, Nurhayati
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 18, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 27-39
Views: 930 Downloads: 295 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯEarnings management (EM) refers to the common use of accounting techniques in various economic settings, such as Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), to produce financial statements. This study, therefore, analyzes the effect of firm size, operating cash flow, the used IPO proceeds, earnings changes, and leverage on EM of manufacturing companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 1989 to 2013. This sector comprises the essential chemical industry, miscellaneous organizations, and consumer goods, with 63 firms being used to meet the selection criteria. The regression analysis showed that the intended use of funds and leverage had a negative and significant impact on EM. Furthermore, the process is measured using Friedlan’s (1994) Discretionary Current Accruals model with similar results found in each industry group and their insignificant differences used to regulate the level of discretionary accruals between the three sectors. This study implies that the EM level is qualitatively similar among IPO companies in the three sub-sectors examined.
The authors are grateful to the audience for their comments during the 11th Environmental and Sustainability Management Accounting Network-Asia Pacific (EMAN-AP) Conference held at the Danang University of Economics, Danang, Vietnam, 12-13 August 2019. The early draft was titled “Earnings Management and Initial Public Offerings on Manufacturing Sectors Companies”. -
Adoption of e-government by Indonesian state universities: An application of Technology Acceptance Model
Khoirul Aswar, Ermawati Ermawati
, Wisnu Juliyanto , Andreas Andreas
, Meilda Wiguna
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #1 pp. 396-406
Views: 984 Downloads: 430 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯE-government is the use of internet platforms to deliver governmental services to citizens with the goal of improving government efficiency, transparency, and participation. This study aims to find out what factors determine the rate at which public university in Indonesians accept e-government services. This study uses the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). TAM is a traditional model of technology diffusion that is an essential conceptual criterion. It drives acceptance consisting of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. The results of this paper back up the original TAM hypothesis. Based on the data collected and analyzed, the study concludes that three influencing factors, namely perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEU), and perceived risk (PR), are significantly related to the intention to use e-commerce government. However, trust and social influence do not significantly affect the intention to use e-government services. This paper has significant implications for policymakers and government officials who want to see the growth of e-government usage in Indonesia. When attempting to market a new online system from the perspective of human-computer interaction, it becomes evident that designers must consider how users perceive the risks.
E-procurement adoption in Indonesian government: A study of TOE model
Stefanus Ardy Susantya , Khoirul Aswar, Mahendro Sumardjo
, Ingrid Panjaitan
, Andreas Andreas
Due to innovations, the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has become a popular trend among the public. The Indonesian government is eager to implement e-procurement in accordance with Presidential Regulation No. 16 of 2018 on government procurement. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of each TOE model factor on Indonesian e-procurement adopters, as well as to investigate how the diffusion of innovation theory categorizes them. This study employed a quantitative method and SmartPLS version 3.0 to examine the model, based on Teo et al. (2009), which set the major structure. In this study, state-owned firms and their subsidiaries, as well as other private enterprises that operate in the infrastructure and construction sectors and participate in Indonesia’s e-procurement system, were used as samples. The result show that top management support (β = 0.279; p < 0.05) and information sharing culture (β = 0.783; p < 0.05) have positive and significant effects on e-procurement adoption. On the other hand, perceived cost (β = 0.097; p > 0.05), firm size (β = –0.080; p > 0.05), and business partner influence (β = –0.057; p > 0.05) did not contribute any effect significantly. This study expects that the organizing committee for government goods and services procurement, as well as participants in government goods and services procurement, would pay attention to and consider significant components in the implementation of e-procurement outside of the applicable legislation.
Factors affecting the disclosure level of local government financial statements: Role of audit opinion
Thio Arya Raditya, Ermawati Ermawati
, Khoirul Aswar
, Andreas Andreas
, Ingrid Panjaitan
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 19, 2022 Issue #3 pp. 291-301
Views: 826 Downloads: 228 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study empirically examines the factors that influence the level of disclosure of local government financial statements, with audit opinion as a moderating variable. The ratio of financial independence, capital expenditure, intergovernmental revenue, and legislative size are independent variables in this study. The dependent variable is the degree of disclosure of local government financial statements (LKPD). The population used in this study is the financial statements of local governments in Indonesia that have been audited by BPK RI. The sample on this study consisted of 338 district/city governments on Java Island in 2018–2020 with purposive sampling. The test carried out is Multiple Linear Regression analysis using STATA version 16. Based on the results that have been analyzed, it can be concluded that the ratio of financial independence and intergovernmental revenue has a significant effect on the level of LKPD disclosure. Meanwhile, capital expenditure and legislative size have no significant effect on the level of LKPD disclosure. Audit opinion moderated the ratio of financial independence and legislative size on the level of disclosure of LKPD. Meanwhile, audit opinion does not moderate capital expenditure and intergovernmental revenue on the level of LKPD disclosure. This study provides information on the factors that influence the level of disclosure of LKPD in local governments, both districts/cities. A high level of LKPD disclosure indicates an accountability and transparency carried out by local governments.
Analysis of potential factors of financial statement disclosure: Evidence from Indonesian local government
Azwir Nasir , Meilda Wiguna, Andreas Andreas
, Hardi Hardi
, Taufeni Taufik
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 20, 2023 Issue #1 pp. 38-47
Views: 822 Downloads: 375 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study explores the relationship between the number of local parliamentarians, local government budget expenditures, Java/non-Java jurisdiction, liabilities, and Local Own-source revenue and financial statement disclosure. It relies on multiple theoretical frameworks and uses a sample of 180 local government financial reports in Indonesia for 2021 that have been audited by the Indonesian National Audit Board. Using the SPSS Version 25 program, multiple regression analysis was used in this study to assess hypotheses. The results found that Java/non-Java jurisdiction (β = 0.259; p < 0.05) and Local Own-source revenue (β = 0.321; p < 0.05) affect the disclosure of financial statements. In addition, the number of local parliamentarians (β = 0.071; p > 0.05), local government budget expenditure (β = 0.038; p > 0.05), and liability (β = 0.005; p > 0.05) does not affect the disclosure of financial statements. The contribution to local government is to analyze potential aspects related to the government’s increased pressure to make financial statement disclosure. The use of information technology to meet social demands more effectively and efficiently is one option for regional governments to disclose their financial statements.
Discovering citizen’s reaction toward e-government adoption: The role of uncertainty avoidance
Khoirul Aswar, Wisnu Julianto , Ingrid Panjaitan
, Andreas Andreas
, Husni Mubarak doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 22, 2024 Issue #1 pp. 366-376
Views: 415 Downloads: 125 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯOne of the leading indicators of how well an e-government system is being implemented is how much citizen acceptance of e-government has increased. Thus, this study looks at social and psychological traits and uncertainty avoidance as moderating factors to identify the factors influencing Indonesian citizens’ adoption of e-government. SEM-PLS was utilized for data analysis. An online survey with measurement questions tailored to 520 respondents was used to gather data for the proposed model’s quantitative validation. A purposive sampling approach based on self-selection was used in this study. The analysis findings show that citizens’ intents as end users of e-government systems are significantly and positively impacted by the influence of compatibility (β = 0.265; p < 0.05), relative advantage (β = 0.482; p < 0.05), and trust in e-government websites (β = 0.243; p < 0.05). On the other hand, complexity (β= –0.293; p < 0.05) significantly and negatively affects their intention to use the system. Additionally, the connection between relative advantage (β = 0.213; p < 0.05), complexity (β = 0.294; p < 0.05), compatibility (β = 0.275; p < 0.05), and propensity to use e-government was found to be moderated by uncertainty avoidance. Encouraging citizens to use e-government will aid the Indonesian government by increasing individuals’ experience with the system and potentially lowering their perception of its hazards.
The effect of announcement as the host of XVIII Asian Games on the Indonesian stock market
Andreas Andreas, Tatang Ary Gumanti
, Uliya Nurjannah , Intan Nurul Awwaliyah doi:
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 17, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 109-118
Views: 843 Downloads: 166 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn 2014, Indonesia was announced to be the host the 2018 XVIII Asian Games, the biggest sports event in Asia. This announcement is expected to positively impact the country’s economy and investors as there would be thousands of spectators from both the country and overseas. A direct impact of the event is that Indonesia would prepare the entire venue. This study examines whether the capital market participants react to the announcement. For this purpose it tests a total of 25 companies in the infrastructure, utility, and transportation sectors listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. A standard event study methodology is employed to examine the existence of abnormal returns around the event. The results show the abnormal returns on two days before and two days after the announcement. However, overall, there are no significant abnormal returns before and after the announcement. The study does not find a significant difference of abnormal returns before and after the announcement. Besides, there was no difference in trading volume activity before and after the announcement as the host of the XVIII Asian Games. In summary, the capital market participants do not consider the event to be a significant issue that determines their investment decision in the capital market.
- abnormal returns
- Asian Games
- budget expenditure
- capital expenditure
- diffusion of innovation
- diffusion of innovation theory
- disclosure
- discretionary accruals
- e-government
- e-procurement
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