Using the business model canvas to improve audit processes

  • Received May 30, 2022;
    Accepted July 15, 2022;
    Published July 29, 2022
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 20 2022, Issue #3, pp. 142-152
  • Cited by
    5 articles

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

The study aims to determine whether auditors can use a business model canvas in their operations and how it increases the auditing value. This paper uses qualitative methods, including in-depth interviews with 37 internal auditors from Poland. It shows that the current channel of communicating audit assumptions with requesters is insufficient to facilitate audit processes. The auditors’ communication with their clients is limited by being in their knowledge area. The study presents a modified business model canvas, which fits auditors’ needs. The proposed changes rely on a different sequence of the traditional Osterwalder’s Canvas building blocks. Besides, modified Osterwalder’s model includes Mission, Impact, and Accountability blocks. These blocks, added to the model, make aware audit parties that the auditors are mission-focused and impact-driven on audited organizations and their environment. Adopting the business model canvas framework in the audit process showed potential, as auditors can better explain audit goals and limitations. The study fits the literature related to firms because it emphasizes that creating the process understandability for external parties is a crucial performance point.

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    • Conceptualization
      Zbysław Dobrowolski, Łukasz Sułkowski
    • Methodology
      Zbysław Dobrowolski, Łukasz Sułkowski
    • Project administration
      Zbysław Dobrowolski
    • Software
      Zbysław Dobrowolski, Łukasz Sułkowski
    • Supervision
      Zbysław Dobrowolski, Łukasz Sułkowski, Mirela Panait
    • Writing – original draft
      Zbysław Dobrowolski
    • Writing – review & editing
      Zbysław Dobrowolski, Łukasz Sułkowski, Mirela Panait
    • Funding acquisition
      Łukasz Sułkowski