Unveiling the impact of macroeconomic factors in export destinations on Indian textile exports


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In recent times, macroeconomic factors have become a central focus of interest in international trade research. The economic environment in international trade directly affects trade performance and the global market. The study analyzes the export performance of Indian textile exports and the macroeconomic factors influencing them from the perspective of export destinations. The study incorporates the key macroeconomic variables, including exchange rate, interest rate, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita, the inflation rates of export destination countries, and crude oil prices. The study includes secondary data gathered on a monthly basis, employing the vector auto-regressive (VAR) model and the Granger causality test to analyze the dynamic linkages and causal relationships between the variables in the study. The Granger causality test results revealed that Japan’s and South Africa’s GDP (p < 0.05) impacts India’s textile exports to these countries. Additionally, the inflation in Japan (p < 0.05) affects the performance of Indian textile exports. The VAR model further revealed that the USA’s and China’s interest rate, Japan’s exchange rate, GDP, and interest rate, as well as South Africa’s GDP, significantly influence the export performance of Indian textiles.

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    • Figure 1. Export data of textiles from India to the world
    • Table 1. Granger causality test
    • Table 2. VAR regression estimates
    • Table 3. Fitness summary of estimated VAR equations
    • Conceptualization
      Raksha Jain, Geetha E.
    • Data curation
      Raksha Jain
    • Formal Analysis
      Raksha Jain
    • Funding acquisition
      Raksha Jain, Geetha E., Linsy Mathew, Aleena Joseph
    • Investigation
      Raksha Jain, Linsy Mathew
    • Methodology
      Raksha Jain, Geetha E.
    • Resources
      Raksha Jain, Geetha E., Linsy Mathew, Aleena Joseph
    • Software
      Raksha Jain, Aleena Joseph
    • Writing – original draft
      Raksha Jain, Aleena Joseph
    • Writing – review & editing
      Raksha Jain, Geetha E., Linsy Mathew, Aleena Joseph
    • Project administration
      Geetha E., Linsy Mathew
    • Supervision
      Geetha E., Linsy Mathew
    • Validation
      Geetha E., Linsy Mathew
    • Visualization
      Geetha E.