Trends in the development of marketing technologies in the tourism market
Article InfoVolume 18 2019, Issue #1, pp. 9-22
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This article deals with trends in the development of marketing activities in the tourism market. In the field of tourist marketing should be considered in two aspects: the first aspect is a system focused on the strategy and tactics of active adaptation to the changing requirements of the tourist market; and the second aspect is the interaction of the main market elements: consumer, product, price, advertising, sales, etc. One of the types of services in tourism, which is expanding is marketing. In facts it affects the interests of every person and every organization in any given market. Marketing of tourism in the international sphere in comparison with other areas where all methods and approaches of marketing activities are actively used, remains at a lower level, of use in the promotion of tourist destination despite the fact that tourism seems to be a popular way of recreation for more than a decade. The aim of the article is to analyze the in the main tendencies in the development of the use of marketing technologies in the tourism industry services on the basis of the modern market conditions as well as the study of integrated methods of promotion of tourist destinations.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)A10, D12, D52, L22, L10
- Figure 1. The main objectives of a tourism company campaign
- Figure 2. Dynamics of cost-effectiveness of tourism promotion per medium per US State
- Figure 3. Evolution of tourist arrivals in France from the years 2011 to 2017
- Figure 4. Bayesian analysis of foreign tourism (inbound) promotion of France for the years 2015-2017
- Table 1. Total travel tourism spending in selected US states
- Table 2. Chosen method of evaluation of the effectiveness of a marketing campaign
- Table 3. Cost of advertising nationally broken down by medium in the USA
- Table 4. Cost-effectiveness of tourism promotion per medium by US State
- Table 5. France’s share of advertising revenues in terms of net value per media in 2017
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