Transition to a new economy: transformation trends in the field of income and salary functions
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #2, pp. 18-31
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The rapid spread of information technologies and other phenomena in the new economy causes significant changes in the social and employment spheres. The objective is mainly to analyze and systematize the peculiarities of labor and payment for it in the new economy. In this paper, the analytical grouping method for characterizing salary functions, as well as changes in the social and labor sphere that take place in the new economy, correlation-regression analysis to determine the relationship between average income and factors affecting its level are used. The results of the paper show three important findings. Firstly, the gradual changes in the content of labor and forms of its organization that happen in modern conditions under the influence of dissemination of information and communication technologies require new approaches to income adjustment, management of employment of the population, development of professional education system. Secondly, the authors also found that the fair employee compensation, ensuring productive employment in modern conditions, is a challenge not only of the national, but also of international scale. Thirdly, the prospective directions of reducing inequality and social tension in society are the guarantee of the basic unconditional income, progressive tax on all types of income, reduction of the length of working time while maintaining payments and improving productivity. In addition to avoiding social dangers, it would be a proactive progressive function of expanding human development opportunities.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J31, J38, J39
- Table 1. Features of employment and organization of employee compensation in traditional and new economy
- Table 2. Salary and wage functions in traditional and new economy
- Table 3. Dynamics of average income in EU member states and Ukraine in 2008–2016, Euro per year
- Table 4. Relationship between average income and the factors affecting it in individual EU member states and Ukraine
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