Transformation stages of the Russian industrial complex in the context of economy digitization
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #4, pp. 201-211
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The present article presents an approach to evaluating the transformation of the industrial complex in the context of deep penetration of digital technologies into the material sector of the economy. The authors propose a theoretical research platform based on the theory of a new industrial society, substantiate a methodology, which comprises reproduction, institutional and synergetic approaches. The study showed that the transformation of the industrial complex, caused by any factors and implemented in any conditions, is always a discrete process of qualitative changes, resulting in significant structural changes and institutional transformations. The authors proposed a methodology to define the stages of industrial complex transformation in a digital economy. The authors’ model of the digitization process consists of five stages – primary information and communication digitization; electronic data exchange with external partners; use of specialized software; electronic data exchange with external partners. Within this framework, an empirical analysis was carried out to determine the digitization level of the industrial complex of Russia that implies a sufficiently high degree of primary computerization, the involvement of the industrial enterprises in the “digital” communication with counterparties and the dynamic software development. The study shows that the process of digital transformation of the Russian industry is still in its formative stages.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)О14, О25, O33
- Figure 1. Digitalization process of the industrial complex
- Table 1. First stage: primary information and communication digitization in Russia as of 2017
- Table 2. Second stage: electronic data exchange in the chains of the final product creation and its sale to consumers in Russia as of 2017
- Table 3. Third stage: use of specialized software in Russia as of 2017
- Table 4. Fourth stage: own production for ICT in Russia as of 2017
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