The influence of technological innovative capabilities on firm performance: Moderating effect of strategic agility
Received April 30, 2022;Accepted June 8, 2022;Published June 24, 2022
- Author(s)
Article InfoVolume 20 2022, Issue #2, pp. 459-470
Cited by2 articlesJournal title: Investment Management and Financial InnovationsArticle title: The impact of financial performance and firm characteristics on earnings management: Case of Tunisian CompaniesDOI: 10.21511/imfi.19(4).2022.15Volume: 19 / Issue: 4 / First page: 183 / Year: 2022Contributors: Saliha Theiri, Naziha Kasraoui, Nesrine BouzaieneJournal title: International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research (IJSSHR) ISSN 2959-7056 (o); 2959-7048 (p)Article title: Dynamic Capabilities and Competitive Advantage of Deposit Taking Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in Nairobi City County, KenyaDOI: 10.61108/ijsshr.v2i2.95Volume: 2 / Issue: 2 / First page: 21 / Year: 2024Contributors: Purity Nkui Ntoiti, Videlis Njeri Njuguna
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This study investigates the influence of technological innovative capabilities (TICs) on firm performance (FP) in the IT sector, with strategic agility as a moderator variable. This paper analyzes the TICs at the firm level in the service sector using the functional approach. An online structured questionnaire was adapted and refined to collect the required information on the influence of TICs dimensions on FP in the IT sector to achieve the objectives. The unit of analysis consists of top management staff and heads of departments from IT firms in Amman, Jordan. A sample of 67 IT firms was selected, and 300 questionnaires were distributed. A total number of returned responses was 223, producing a 74% response rate. Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses. The revealed findings show that learning capability, marketing capability, organizational capability, and strategic planning capability had a significant influence on FP, whereas resource allocation capability was not significant. In addition, multiple hierarchical regression was used to test the moderating effect of strategic agility on the relationship between TICs and FP. Revealed results of the overall model to examine the moderating effect show that strategic agility is not significant in moderating the relationship between TICs dimensions and FP.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M10, M20, M31
- Figure 1. Research model
- Figure 2. Structural model
- Table 1. Number and type of IT firms in Amman, 2022
- Table 2. Demographic profile
- Table 3. Factor analysis
- Table 4. Correlations of TICs dimensions and FP
- Table 5. Path coefficients and their significance
- Table 6. Multiple hierarchical regression analysis
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Hamza Khraim
Data curation
Hamza Khraim
Formal Analysis
Hamza Khraim
Funding acquisition
Hamza Khraim
Hamza Khraim
Hamza Khraim
Project administration
Hamza Khraim
Hamza Khraim
Hamza Khraim
Hamza Khraim
Hamza Khraim
Hamza Khraim
Writing – original draft
Hamza Khraim
Writing – review & editing
Hamza Khraim
Investigating the impact of workplace bullying on employees’ morale, performance and turnover intentions in five-star Egyptian hotel operations
Ashraf Tag-Eldeen , Mona Barakat , Hesham Dar doi: today’s competitive business environment, human resources are one of the most critical assets particularly for service-focused organizations. Consequently, employees’ morale has become invaluable for maintaining outstanding organizational performance and retaining employees. One of the most important factors which may affect employees’ satisfaction is workplace bullying from employers and colleagues at large. It is considered a negative and unethical issue which may degrade, humiliate and create a risk to a healthy working environment. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to investigate the extent to which workplace bullying may affect the organizational outcomes of a sample of five-star hotels in Egypt. Two questionnaires were distributed among the subjects of the sample; bell desk staff, kitchen stewards and head departments. The results of this research confirmed that there is a correlation between workplace bullying, employees’ morale and turnover intentions but, showed no correlation between workplace bullying and employees’ work performance.
Corporate governance and financial performance: an empirical analysis of selected multinational firms in Nigeria
Gideon Tayo Akinleye , Odunayo Olarewaju, Bamikole Samson Fajuyagbe doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 17, 2019 Issue #1 pp. 11-18 Views: 3593 Downloads: 586 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study focused on corporate governance and performance of selected Nigerian multinational firms from 2012 to 2016. Specifically, the study focused on the effect of board size, activism and committee activism on return on asset and firm growth rate. Secondary data collected from four multinational firms were analyzed via static panel estimation techniques. While board size and board activism exerted significant negative impact on return on asset, committee activism exerted insignificant impact. The results of the study further showed that board size and board activism exert insignificant negative impact on firm’s growth rate, while committee activism insignificantly spurs firm’s growth rate. Decisively, discoveries from this study reflect that corporate governance has significant negative impact on return on asset, but has insignificant influence on the growth rate of Nigerian multinational firms. Based on these findings, the authors recommended that corporate governance dynamics in firms world over should be reconsidered, such that it gives credence to more than just numbers of persons or meetings held, but the main reasons and deliberations in such meetings. It was also recommended that excessive increase in magnitude or frequency of meetings held by board of directors cum committee should be avoided.
The impact of strategic human resources planning on the organizational performance of public shareholding companies in Jordan
Shaker Al-Qudah, Abdallah Mishael Obeidat
, Hosam Shrouf , Mohammed A. Abusweilem
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 18, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 219-230 Views: 3486 Downloads: 3442 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯPerformance management (PM) is a common practice used by organizations to assess and manage employees’ work. Much of PM research is closely related to management practices. Corporations in the public and nonprofit sector continuously develop PM programs to ensure the sustainability of their organizations.
The study aims to analyze the impact of strategic human resources planning on the organizational performance of Jordanian public shareholding companies for senior management and functional unit managers (human resources, marketing, finance, and accounting). The researchers surveyed all the public shareholding companies registered with the Jordan Securities Commission (JSC) in 2019, wherein they found that only 60 companies applied strategic planning and human resources planning (HRP) together. Two hundred and twenty questionnaires were distributed in 52 companies surveyed, and 203 were adopted for statistical analysis. Several statistical methods were used, most notably the multiple regression analysis. The researchers found out a statistically significant impact of the strategic human resources planning (integration of HRP and strategic planning; strategic participation) on organizational performance. The results showed that adopting the strategic HRP dimensions leads to an increase in an organization’s overall productivity, employee satisfaction and reputation, as well as reduced operating costs. HR managers must understand the effectiveness of strategically designed HR practices across functions.