The influence of servant leadership on job satisfaction with individual character as a moderating variable
Received December 7, 2020;Accepted March 17, 2021;Published March 30, 2021
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Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #1, pp. 445-455
Cited by5 articlesJournal title: Acta InnovationsArticle title: Analysis of the role of servant leadership on employee’s job satisfaction mediated by leader-member exchange style among employees in the private higher education sector in KuwaitDOI: 10.32933/ActaInnovations.49.6Volume: / Issue: 49 / First page: 60 / Year: 2023Contributors: Nourhan El-Bayaa, Dina Said, Yehia Ibrahim AlzoubiJournal title: Journal of Asia Business StudiesArticle title: Reconstruction of trust and organizational commitment through servant leadership in the postpandemic era: evidence from the IT sector of PakistanDOI: 10.1108/JABS-03-2022-0094Volume: 18 / Issue: 5 / First page: 1142 / Year: 2024Contributors: Muhammad Muzammil Ghayas, Malik Muhammad Sheheryar Khan, Sanjeev Kumar, Syed Mofazzal MohyuddinJournal title: International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478)Article title: Analyzing the influence of servant leadership on job performance through work engagement as a mediatorDOI: 10.20525/ijrbs.v11i6.1851Volume: 11 / Issue: 6 / First page: 157 / Year: 2022Contributors: Adjeng Mariana Febrianti, Eka Triana YulianJournal title: International Journal of ADVANCED AND APPLIED SCIENCESArticle title: The role of job satisfaction in mediating the relationship between family conflict, volunteer management, and employee performance at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara 3DOI: 10.21833/ijaas.2024.12.020Volume: 11 / Issue: 12 / First page: 180 / Year: 2024Contributors: Syaifuddin Syaifuddin, Darwin Lie, Fajar Rezeki Ananda Lubis, Emma Novirsari, Nasib NasibJournal title: Acta InnovationsArticle title: Analysis of the role of servant leadership on employee’s job satisfaction mediated by leader-member exchange style among employees in the private higher education sector in KuwaitDOI: 10.32933/49.6Volume: / Issue: 49 / First page: 60 / Year: 2023Contributors: Nourhan El-Bayaa, Dina Said, Yehia Ibrahim Alzoubi
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This study aims to investigate the influence of servant leadership on job satisfaction with individual character as a moderating variable. It used a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression analysis. The population of this study were employees of the Central Sulawesi province industry and trade office. It involved 72 samples selected using a purposive sampling technique. The results showed that servant leadership significantly influence job satisfaction with a value of 82.5%. The most significant factor affecting job satisfaction is wisdom (correlation coefficient = 0.863) in which the higher the wisdom, the higher the job satisfaction. The next factor is persuasive mapping in which the higher the persuasive mapping, the higher the job satisfaction (correlation coefficient = 0.697). Then, it was followed by altruistic calling with the correlation coefficient value of 0.524 in which the higher the altruistic calling, the higher the job satisfaction. The last is emotional healing with a correlation coefficient value of 0.291 in which the higher the emotional healing, the higher the job satisfaction. On the other hand, organizational stewardship is the only factor does not influence the job satisfaction (correlation coefficient = 0.009).
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J81, L20
- Figure 1. Research conceptual framework
- Table 1. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test results
- Table 2. Descriptive statistics of research variables
- Table 3. Simple sample T-test results
- Table 4. Pearson correlation coefficient results
- Table 5. Statistics of multiple regression of job satisfaction
- Table 6. Variance of multiple regression of job satisfaction
- Table 7. Statistics related to retained independent variables in the regression model
- Table 8. ANOVA test results
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Bakri Hasanuddin
Data curation
Bakri Hasanuddin
Formal Analysis
Bakri Hasanuddin
Funding acquisition
Bakri Hasanuddin
Project administration
Bakri Hasanuddin, Mustainah M
Writing – original draft
Bakri Hasanuddin
Mustainah M
Mustainah M
Mustainah M, Pricylia Chintya Dewi Buntuang
Pricylia Chintya Dewi Buntuang
Pricylia Chintya Dewi Buntuang
Pricylia Chintya Dewi Buntuang
Pricylia Chintya Dewi Buntuang
Writing – review & editing
Pricylia Chintya Dewi Buntuang
Effect of work motivation and job satisfaction on employee performance: Mediating role of employee engagement
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 162-174 Views: 11119 Downloads: 8073 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯTechnological developments are things that must be followed by companies to achieve a competitive advantage to improve performance. To achieve and improve performance, companies need active employee engagement by encouraging motivation and fulfilling their job satisfaction. This study aims to analyze the effect of motivation and job satisfaction on performance with employee engagement as a mediating variable. The research sample is Information Technology (IT) companies located in the cities of Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia. Research respondents are system developers who handle system development activities for a project or part of an ongoing project. By using the convenience sampling technique 103 responses were obtained from IT developers. The research model analysis method uses Partial Least Square (PLS) with SMART PLS Ver 3.0 software. Empirical findings prove that motivation has a positive effect on the performance of IT employees, while job satisfaction is independent. Employee engagement does not directly affect employee performance, but the effect of mediation through motivation and job satisfaction can have a significant effect on employee performance. The research findings have managerial implications, in increasing high employee involvement, motivation needs to be encouraged to be more active and innovative, and facilitate the achievement of the desired results.
This study was made possible because of the full support of the Region III Education Service Institute (LL-DIKTI III), the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, and the Research Center at Mercu Buana University, Jakarta. -
Impulse buying behavior among female shoppers: Exploring the effects of selected store environment elements
Vinish P., Prakash Pinto
, Iqbal Thonse Hawaldar
, Slima Pinto
Innovative Marketing Volume 16, 2020 Issue #2 pp. 54-70 Views: 3081 Downloads: 1853 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis paper intends to analyze the impact of store layout, ambient factors, and employees on impulsive decision-making among female customers visiting the apparel outlets. The responses were collected through a single-stage mall intercept survey method using a structured questionnaire from 385 respondents in leading apparel stores in selected Tier I and Tier II cities in the state of Karnataka, India. The responses were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. Constructs such as store layout, ambience and employees were found to be significantly positively correlated with impulse buying behavior. The variables largely explain the variation in impulse buying under store ambiance. Except ‘attention to the window display’ and ‘friendly staff’ all other twelve variables considered in the study were found to have significant impact on the impulse buying behavior. Though store ambiance, well-structured layout, and pleasant shopping experience are essential determinants of customer satisfaction, the study results imply that the number of store staff and sales skills are critical aspects of impulse buying in the apparel business and true assets to the retail organization. Additionally, poor customer interaction, staff shortage, and high employee attrition could discourage the store’s revenue generation.
Impact of organizational politics on proactive behavior of government employees: the moderating role of self-efficacy
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 18, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 385-393 Views: 1707 Downloads: 321 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn today’s organizational environment, human resources are seen to be one of the most crucial assets that must be maintained, particularly the existence of employees’ proactive behavior, which is needed for the sustainability of organizational performance. One factor, which may affect the employees’ proactive behavior, is organizational politics. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of organizational politics on proactive behavior of government employees and to test further whether this effect was moderated by self-efficacy. This study used a quantitative approach with an exploratory method to answer the proposed hypothesis. The samples were 310 local government employees in Bandung district, Cimahi City, Bandung City, and West Bandung Regency, Indonesia. For processing the data and testing the hypotheses, this research employed Moderated Regression Analysis by using STATA 13. The results showed that organizational politics has a negative effect on the proactive behavior of government employees, and the moderation effect of self-efficacy can weaken the negative relationship between organizational politics and proactive behavior. The study, therefore, makes a valuable contribution regarding the additional evidence to the organization within this field.