The business effects of mega-sporting events on host cities: an empirical view
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #3, pp. 324-336
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The study is an empirical view of the important issue of the business effects of the mega-sporting events (MSEs), like the Olympic Games, on which there are favorable and unfavorable views, the design of the study is to go through different views and find out the effects from knowing or knowledgeable persons of the event with the help of a sample of 155 respondents drawn randomly from across the continents in the form of opinions on the positive and negative effects of the MSEs through a questionnaire, containing questions on economic development, infrastructure development, environ¬ment, lifestyles, etc., and their favorable and unfavorable responses were elicited. The data collected have been analyzed in terms of the characteristics of respondents and their negative and positive responses on the Olympic and FIFA. The findings on the whole of study show that the hosting of the MSEs has positive effects on the economy and society of the host cities through the influx of tourists, infrastructure development, and image promotion of the country, among others, notwithstanding the certain drawbacks in terms of environmental disturbances, and some inconveniences to the locals.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L83
- Figure 1. Mega-sporting event model
- Figure 2. Benefits that FIFA sporting events bring to the society
- Figure 3. Benefits that the Olympic Games sporting events bring to the society
- Figure 4. Staging the Olympic games has negative impacts on the environment
- Figure 5. Staging the World Cup has negative impacts on the environment
- Table 1. Demographic profile of respondents
- Table 2. Mean and standard deviations of a 5-point scale items
- Table 3. Mean and standard deviations of a 5-point scale items
- Table 4. Results of hypotheses testing
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