Influence of the dimensions of CSR activities on consumer purchase intention
Article InfoVolume 14 2018, Issue #1, pp. 23-32
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Over the years, the number of organizations investing in CSR activities has increased considerably. This increase is partially attributable to the intention of the organizations to give back to the society to repair and reduce the loss their intentional or unintentional actions might have caused to the environment. The government’s decision to make it mandatory for businesses to invest a small part of their net profit in social welfare activities has also helped nudge the organizations towards CSR activities. However, the question whether this investment influences customers’ intention to purchase the product in any manner remains an unresolved paradox. Limited researches have been conducted in this area to explore and establish the relationship if any between CSR and consumer purchase intention. This research focuses on the five different factors of CSR comprising of loyalty, morality, awareness, behavior and environment, which are identified from the previous literature. With the help of these factors, the authors researched and established the relationship between them and consumer purchase intention. In this descriptive research, the research questionnaire was distributed to 1500 respondents, using convenient sampling method, out of which 319 responses were finally obtained for the analysis purpose. After testing the reliability and validity of the data, the five hypotheses were tested using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). It was found that all the five hypotheses were supported and thereby acknowledged the significant influence of CSR related activities performed by companies on the consumer purchase intention. The CSR driven morality is emerging to be the most important dimension that appears to influence the consumer purchase intentions. These finding will help decision-makers to formulate their promotion activities in such a manner that it aligns with the value system of the consumers and increase the overall consumer base.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D11, M14, M31
- Fig. 1. Conceptual framework of influence of CSR on consumer purchase intention
- Fig. 2. Confirmatory Factor Analysis model
- Fig. 3. SEM analysis model
- Table 1. Literature review summary
- Table 2. Reliability analysis
- Table 3. Confirmatory Factor Analysis results
- Table 4. Index of the fit of the model
- Table 5. Results of hypotheses test
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