Strategic change in investment policy rationale of enterprises modernization as a key condition for getting over economic crisis
Article InfoVolume 15 2018, Issue #3, pp. 212-222
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Investigation of not only the causes and the factors that cause the development of world crises, but also the perspective and actual tools for reducing the impact of their effects, is topical at the present stage. The purpose of this study is to investigate scientific approaches to justifying the investment policy of enterprise modernization as a key condition for overcoming the economic crisis. The object of the study is the investment policy of modernization of enterprises as a key condition for overcoming the economic crisis. The study specifies the essence and economic content of investment and investment policy of the enterprise modernization, identifies main problems of reproduction of the fixed capital at Russian enterprises in modern conditions, systematizes the main approaches to the justification of the investment policy of enterprise modernization, and suggests the use of the investment policy of enterprise modernization as the main condition for the crisis recovery.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G01, O11
- Figure 1. Regulation of the investment activity of the enterprise
- Table 1. The matrix of balanced indicators of the effectiveness of investment activities for the modernization of enterprises
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