Social solidarity economy during the war: The sources of individual and community resilience
Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #3, pp. 542-555
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Due to the full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine in 2022, extreme danger and vulnerability have caused changes in the social and economic stability of a person both on the individual and at the family level, in various social groups, as well as in territorial communities. Thus, the study aims to investigate the sources of social and economic resilience of Ukraine’s population during the war in the context of developing a social solidarity economy in Ukrainian society to maintain fragile stability. The paper investigates the main reasons for the displacement of Ukrainians, explores the living conditions in communities where they moved, and identifies the main socioeconomic factors for ensuring the resistance of the individual and the community in wartime. The paper applies the sociological survey involving 1,200 respondents. The results show that Ukrainians recognize the authority’s right to make authoritarian decisions. The analysis gives empirical evidence on the sources of social and economic resistance and sustainability in Ukraine. This includes quantifying the role of social and financial payments, examining the intensification of social and solidarity ties, and evaluating the importance of a social solidarity economy for resilience. The study revealed the directions of supporting stability within the social solidarity economy in Ukraine under war conditions. They include incentive programs for returning qualified personnel, powerful tools of social support, encouraging socially-oriented small businesses, remote employment, state and local programs to support public organizations, and financing local initiatives.
The publication was prepared within the project Jean Monnet Module “Social Solidarity Economy: implementing EU experience for Sustainable Development” (SSExpEU-101047518-GAP-101047518) (2022–2025), funded by the European Union.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)H56, J11, Z13
- Figure 1. The availability of different services in the regions, %
- Figure 2. Perceptions of community belonging and influence on decision-making, %
- Table 1. If you do not live in your own community now, specify the reasons for which you do not return home (to the abandoned place of residence), %
- Table 2. Reasons for moving, %
- Table 3. Types of social payments, benefits, and compensation received by the respondents, %
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