Sharia corporate governance and financial reporting timeliness: Evidence of the implementation of banking regulations in Indonesia
Article InfoVolume 15 2020, Issue #4, pp. 179-192
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This paper aims to study Islamic banking (IB) regulations related to the influence of the Sharia corporate governance (SCG) mechanism on financial reporting timeliness (FRTL) in Indonesia. The unbalanced panel data obtained empirically during a period that ranges from 2016 to 2019 includes observations from 54 Islamic commercial banks (ICb), 82 Sharia business unit (SBu) banks and 82 conventional banks (CB). Panel regression model is used in this study to adjust the unbalanced panel data obtained. The findings indicate that the variation of FRTL for IBs (represented by ICb) is determined by Sharia corporate governance (SCG) mechanisms. Further findings relate to a comparative study of variations in FRTL between ICb, SBu, and CBs. Although there are different determinants between ICb (SCG) and CBs (CG), there is no difference in FRTL variation between the two. Meanwhile, between ICb and SBu, whose regulations have the same determinant, there are differences between the two FRTL variations. The novelty of this paper is that, firstly, SCG is constructed on the basis of the IBs regulation to determine FRTL, and secondly, the variationі in FRTL between the IBs and CBs groups are compared.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G21, G34, G38
- Table 1. Number of banks and observations
- Table 2. Pattern of sample banks submitting audited financial statements
- Table 3. Variable types, expected signs and their measurement
- Table 4. Descriptive statistics
- Table 5. Pearson correlation matrix
- Table 6. Regression model results from equation 2
- Table 7. Regression model results from equation 3
- Table A1. BOC dimensions
- Table A2. BOD dimensions
- Table A3. SSB dimensions
- Table A4. AC effectiveness dimension
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