Relationship between financial performances and marketing practices in the banking sector of Jordan
Article InfoVolume 14 2019, Issue #1, pp. 11-19
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The study aims at analyzing the relationship between financial performances and marketing practices in the banking sector of Jordan. A questionnaire was distributed to 45 top, middle, and branch level managers of 15 banks. The financial data was obtained from the financial statements and annual reports of the banks during the five-year period between 2011 and 2015. The three categories of participants, who were recruited, were top-level managers, middle-level managers and branch-level managers from 17 banks of Jordan. No two means were found to differ significantly at 0.05 level by means of Scheffe test. The results revealed that the more positive the perception was of the managers regarding the position of their banks in the market, the more they were inclined to choose an accurate target market in accomplishing their marketing objectives. Therefore, it has been concluded that when the financial needs of the customers were similar, the change in the loan-to-deposit ratio was significantly positive.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G10, M00, M10
- Table 1. The major demographic characteristics of the 49 potential respondents
- Table 2. Analysis of variance for mean differences between three management levels concerning the extent of their awareness of changes in the environment that had a bearing on the bank’s target markets
- Table 3. Analysis of variance for mean differences between the three management levels in terms of the extent of use of market segmentation activities in their decision-making
- Table 4. Analysis of variance for mean differences between the three management levels concerning the perceived importance of bank’s position in the service-market as it affects target market strategy selection
- Table 5. Correlations between target marketing attributes and the four financial performance measures
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