Promoting youth employment in wartime conditions
Article InfoVolume 13 2023, Issue #2, pp. 1-10
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The article examines the problems faced by young people seeking employment in Ukraine during the war. It is noted that young people are one of the most vulnerable categories in the labor market, and difficulties in finding work arise due to lack of experience, professional maladjustment, lack of quality jobs, and a discrepancy between the needs of young people and employers' offers. The aim of the study is to examine the practical aspects of promoting youth employment under martial law. The study substantiates the need for cooperation between key employment institutions and the support of stakeholders to improve the quality of education, employment, and socialization of young people. Attention is drawn to the destructive impact of military conflicts on the psycho-emotional state of young people, which requires further analysis and development of mental health programs.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J21
- Figure 1. Розподіл учасників за курсами навчання «Час працювати 2022»
- Figure 2. Розподіл учасників за курсами навчання «Час працювати 2023»
- Figure 3. Рівень стресу та депресії у студентів ЗВО
- Table 1. Чисельність безробітних молодого віку в 2021–2023 роках за віковими групами
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