Organizational and financial mechanisms for implementation of the projects in the field of increasing the energy efficiency of the regional economy
Article InfoVolume 15 2017, Issue #3, pp. 453-466
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Nowadays budgetary funds still prevail among sources of financing of the projects in the area of increasing the energy efficiency of the regional economy in the Russian Federation. For example, in the Tver region in 2016, 82% of the projects for the modernization of the heat supply infrastructure and 100% for the modernization of the electricity supply infrastructure were implemented at the expense of the budget. At the same time, there is a decrease in the total amount of state financing of energy efficiency projects due to a high proportion of the budget deficit of the subjects of the Russian Federation. According to the agency ACRA (information dated April, 12, 2017 at, 58 out of 85 regional budgets for 2017 were accepted with a total deficit of 193 billion rubles. At the same time, the urgency of applying organizational and financial mechanisms for the implementation of energy efficient projects involving alternative financing is growing. The article systematizes the views on the perspective mechanisms for implementing projects in the field of increasing the energy efficiency of the regional economy, including taking into account the analysis of problems of their application in the example of the Tver region. The authors studied existing organizational and financial mechanisms for energy-efficient projects, including public private and municipal private partnerships, and the Local Initiatives Support Program.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O13, О18, О22
- Figure 1. Organizational and financial schemes for financing energy efficiency projects through PPP and MPP
- Figure 2. Model for financing of energy efficiency projects in the framework of PPP or MPP under the direct agreement
- Figure 3. Percentage of awareness and implementation of the organizational and financial mechanisms for the implementation of projects in the area of increasing the energy efficiency in the Tver region
- Figure 4. Trends in the distribution of investments in the communal infrastructure (by source)
- Table 1. Organizational and financial mechanisms for allocating investment resources under various legal schemes for managing heat supply facilities
- Table 2. The distribution of investments in the objects of municipal infrastructure of the Tver region
- Table 3. The volume of investments per municipality in the Tver region
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