Optimizing electric vehicles charging for enhancing environmental sustainability and reducing carbon emissions of freight transport: case of Czech Republic


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The limited infrastructure of charging stations, which is crucial in route planning and total journey time and creates uncertainty in efficiency and operating costs, calls for new economic and statistical methods in sustainability development and environmental economics. This paper aims to examine the challenges of integrating electric vehicles into freight transport to improve distribution logistics’ environmental sustainability, which represents one of the pathways for reducing environmental risk.
The analysis results underscore the inadequacy of the truck charging station network in the Czech Republic. This insufficiency presents an opportunity to enhance environmental sustainability and reduce carbon emissions through strategic analysis and optimizing charging station locations. The difficulty of identifying optimal locations for these stations, given truck availability, requires using multi-criteria decision-making techniques such as the Analytical Network Process (ANP).
Municipalities with limited access to existing logistics facilities were considered during the simulation. This way, 15 new locations were identified for municipalities with insufficient distance to a charging station.
By implementing the ANP method, the study contributes to a more environmentally sustainable transportation infrastructure, highlighting the potential for significant reductions in carbon emissions through improved charging station networks. These results apply to other countries and can provide novel insights on optimizing charging station locations for sustainable economic development and reducing freight transport’s carbon emissions and environmental risks.

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    • Figure A1. Merging districts before minimizing charging stations
    • Figure A2. Visualization of charging station
    • Figure A3. New location of charging stations for Czech districts
    • Table 1. Overview of the evaluation attributes and criteria for the charging station definition
    • Table 2. Geographical placement of charging stations after minimizing the districts of the Czech Republic
    • Table 3. Model evaluation
    • Conceptualization
      Michal Husinec, Wadim Strielkowski, Tomas Vacek, Martin Vondracek
    • Data curation
      Michal Husinec
    • Formal Analysis
      Michal Husinec, Wadim Strielkowski, Tomas Vacek, Martin Vondracek
    • Investigation
      Michal Husinec, Tomas Vacek
    • Methodology
      Michal Husinec, Tomas Vacek, Martin Vondracek
    • Project administration
      Michal Husinec, Wadim Strielkowski
    • Software
      Michal Husinec
    • Validation
      Michal Husinec
    • Writing – original draft
      Michal Husinec, Wadim Strielkowski, Tomas Vacek, Martin Vondracek
    • Resources
      Wadim Strielkowski, Martin Vondracek
    • Supervision
      Tomas Vacek