Nexus between information technology investment and bank performance: The case of Jordan
Article InfoVolume 18 2023, Issue #1, pp. 68-76
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Bank stakeholders, such as creditors, investors, regulators, and other bank stakeholders, expect continuous performance improvement. To achieve this goal, bank managers can use information technology (IT) as a strategic resource to improve their bank’s capabilities and accordingly gain competitive advantage. In this study, the profitability and efficiency of commercial banks in Jordan are compared to investment in information technology (IT). Return on equity (ROE), return on assets (ROA), and net interest margin (NIM) are used to measure bank profitability while controlling for bank size and financial leverage. Cost efficiency is measured using the cost efficiency ratio. The study sample consists of 13 commercial banks listed on the Amman Stock Exchange between 2010 and 2021. To determine the relationship between the variables, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, the panel least squares approach, and fixed effects multiple regression models are used. The findings show that banks, on average, spend 0.61 percent of their total assets on information technology (hardware and software). Additionally, banks that invest in IT are predicted to perform better over time, as evidenced by their increased profitability and efficiency. Small banks have more IT investment as a percentage of assets than larger banks. In comparison to highly leveraged banks, less leveraged banks typically have a greater IT investment to asset ratio (0.69%). The findings show that profitable banks (measured by ROE) invest more than 1.1% of their total assets in IT. Meanwhile, highly efficient banks also invest more in IT (0.65%) compared to less efficient banks.
We are indebted to the Middle East University (MEU) - Jordan ) for the financial support needed for this article.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M15, G11, G21, G23
- Table 1. Definition and measurements of variables
- Table 2. Performance indicators for the Jordanian banking sector, 2010–2021
- Table 3. Investment in IT software and hardware by the banking and financial sector in Jordan, 2011–2020 (JD thousand)
- Table 4. Summary statistics
- Table 5. Pearson correlation between independent and control variables
- Table 6. Effect of IT investment on measures of bank profitability
- Table 7. Effect of IT investment on bank cost efficiency
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