Money assets of internally displaced persons as financial resources of commercial banks
Article InfoVolume 12 2017, Issue #4, pp. 211-217
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The article highlights the necessity of ensuring the interests of the state, commercial banks and internally displaced persons. The analysis of the scientific literature has shown that there is no the problem of this kind in the European countries. So wide “hybrid warfare” in the world history is being waged on the territory of Ukraine. The world has not encountered similar problems. The extensive research of the scientific literature has shown that Ukrainian scientists attempted to solve the problems of bank management, the market of deposit services, the relations of commercial banks with the National Bank of Ukraine, the management of banking system and risks, etc. The relations of three participants (internally displaced persons, commercial banks and the National Bank of Ukraine) in the deposit market of Ukraine have not been under study yet. This paper explores the ways in which it is possible to combine the interests of the state, internally displaced persons and banks and find new sources of banks’ credit resources. The methodological approach taken in this study is a mixed methodology based on dialectical method, formal-and-logical method, logical-and-juridical method and methods of analysis, synthesis, and comparison. The uniqueness of the problem for the economy and social sector of the European countries is determined; the ways of the state support of citizens-investors in their economy and national banks are explored and some important changes in the Ukrainian legislation are studied.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G21, H53
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