Modeling of diversification of foreign economic interactions


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The article developed a basic simulation model of diversification of foreign economic interactions, which makes it possible to assess the mutual influence of key economic indicators and their reaction to changes in the equilibrium in world markets. The peculiarity of the developed model of diversification of foreign economic interactions is its functioning as a complex dynamic system in which many factors are interrelated, and the connections are dynamic. This makes it possible to calculate a simulation model that takes into account hidden and subtle connections. While modeling foreign economic interactions and evaluating the influence of various regulators on them, in addition to the stage of model development itself, mandatory parameterization of this model is proposed, that is, the determination of specific types of dependence between the factors included in the model and the parameters of these dependencies.
The implementation of this model can be carried out in any simulation package.

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    • Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the interaction of economic agents
    • Figure 2. Scheme of the main interrelations between the indicators of the model of diversification of foreign economic interactions A
    • Figure 3. Dependence on elasticity (alpha) and the ratio of labor costs and capital W K with the equality of labor and capital intensity
    • Figure 4. Dependence on elasticity and labor/capital intensity a b for cases when 3w k = and 1 3w k =