Factors affecting consumers’ purchase intention for counterfeit luxury goods in Bangladesh
Article InfoVolume 15 2019, Issue #4, pp. 27-41
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The purpose of study is to examine the factors behind the purchase intention for counterfeit luxury goods in Bangladesh using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). This research also sought to measure the effect of product attribute, brand image, level of income, price, and gender regarding the purchase intention for counterfeit luxury goods. Data were gathered from a sample of 242 individual respondents living in different areas of Dhaka city who had experience of purchasing various counterfeit luxury goods. A structured questionnaire was used to obtain survey data through a personal interview. Descriptive statistics, reliability statistics, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis have been used to analyze the collected data. The results show that among five factors, only three of them, such as product attribute, brand images and level of income, are more influential predictors in purchase intention for counterfeit luxury items than price and gender. The findings of the study show a better understanding based on a developing country on how these factors affect purchasing intention of counterfeit luxury items. Thus, the study intends to identify different socio-demographic and behavioral predictors in terms of counterfeiting luxury goods. The result depicts that comparing to original products, Bangladeshi consumers are more prone to use counterfeit luxury items to maintain social values and status. Finally, limitations and managerial implications of the study, along with future research avenues, have been discussed.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M31, D12
- Figure 1. Conceptual model
- Figure 2. Scree plot
- Table 1. KMO and Bartlett’s test
- Table 2. Pearson correlation analysis
- Table 3. Regression analysis
- Table 4. ANOVA
- Table 5. Coefficient
- Table A1. Demographics of the respondents
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