Migration aspirations of territory population: A case study of Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #2, pp. 217-231
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The level of positive migration aspirations of the population is determined by the unfavorable socio-economic environment and ineffective management of territory development, in particular the level of deprivation, including labor, security and living conditions. The paper aims to assess the impact of different components of deprivation on the spread of migration aspirations and create the landscape of a territory migration capacity. The methodological tool of the study is a sociological survey (a case study of Lviv Oblast, Ukraine) using a questionnaire (self-administration), which covered more than 500 people. Processing of results is carried out using SPSS software. The results of the sociological survey across migration vectors show the cause-effect relation between positive external aspirations and deprivation components. According to the assessment, the EU countries vector (72.0%) has the highest level of positive migration aspirations by income deprivation, and domestic migration vector – the lowest level (41.0%). The highest deprivation levels among socio-economic, environmental, and medical-demographical conditions for ineffective management of Lviv Oblast was detected for educational services with the level of 3.6 out of 5 possible, moderate level – for living and environmental conditions (2.9 each), and the lowest one for medical services (2.7). The spread of deprivation components at the territory according to the level of positive migration aspirations analysis shown that the highest deprivation levels in Lviv Oblast are peculiar to components such as the quality of medical services (43.4%), income (36.5%), and living conditions (35.1%). This study is of practical value for forming landscape of territory migration capacity including weighed migration aspirations and socio-economic deprivation levels.
The study has been conducted within the framework of Applied Research “Financial determinants of the provision of economic growth in the regions and territorial communities based on behavioral economy” with the support of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine (M. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the grant Reg. No. 2020.02/0215, 2020-2022).
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)F22, O15, R23
- Figure 1. Algorithm of informational-analytical support of the diagnostics of migration aspirations
- Figure 2. Levels of migration aspirations in the focus of deprivation components, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
- Figure 3. Deprivation levels of individual components, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine, 2021
- Figure 4. The spread of deprivation components at the territory weighted by the level of positive migration aspirations, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
- Figure 5. Psychological-behavioral vision of migration aspirations
- Figure 6. Matrix of migration capacity: weighing migration aspirations and socio-economic deprivation
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