Knowledge management, adaptability and business process reengineering performance in microfinance institutions
Article InfoVolume 2 2018, Issue #1, pp. 59-71
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The purpose of this paper is to provide theoretical explanation of business process reengineering performance using emerging themes of adaptability and knowledge management in the context of developing economies. The study used a narrative cross-sectional survey conducted using qualitative data collection technique, specifically the appreciative inquiry. The study used operations managers and senior executive managers to gather qualitative data from Uganda’s reengineered microfinance institutions to provide indepth explanation of business process reengineering performance. The authors find that adaptability, knowledge creation and knowledge sharing explain business process reengineering performance. The results suggest that business process reengineering be made mandatory to ensure sustainable competitiveness of the financial sector. The study provides novel insights of business process reengineering performance using a theory of change and a complexity theory. Methodological, theoretical, managerial and policy implications herein play pivotal role in bridging the knowledge gap that exists in Microfinance institutions of developing economies.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G20
- Figure 1. Improving efficiency of microfinance institutions through knowledge creation
- Figure 2. Double loop of knowledge sharing of microfinance institutions
- Figure 1A. Qualitative data analysis
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