Justification of integrated environmental and economic assessment of the impact actions in the field of oil and gas extraction
Article InfoVolume 8 2017, Issue #4, pp. 25-30
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The aim of the welfare state, in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine is to ensure conditions for the growth of welfare of citizens. One of the major components in the well-being of civilized societies is to ensure that citizens and businesses the necessary energy. Energy development is the basis for enhancing the social and economic living standards of the population and competitiveness. The key to this goal should be a reliable, economically viable and environmentally sound needs of the population and the economy of energy products. It is important to identify the critical factors is a threat to the energy security of the national economy. The state of the energy sector of Ukraine is negatively affected by continued dependence on imports of Russian natural gas, petroleum products and fuel for power plants. Today such dependence on primary energy, including coal, has become a leverage to Ukraine on the part of the neighboring state. The loss of the fuel and energy complex, and areas for future development of hydrocarbon resources as a result of the annexation of the Crimea and the military operations in the east of the country, as well as the destruction of the oil and gas infrastructure in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, yielded additional new factors which significantly weakened the energy security of the country. Given the instability of strategic task for Ukraine, it is vital to achieve the highest possible level to ensure the economy’s own oil and gas resources, which, to a certain extent, will contribute to energy independence and savings of foreign exchange reserves of the country, as well as infrastructure development in the industry, tax revenues, creation of additional jobs.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)Q35, Q56
- Fig. 1. Impact-integrated assessment of ecological and economic damage to the region environment under development and exploitation of oil fields
- Table 1. Impact actions of oil and gas production on the regional natural territorial complex
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