Issue #1 (Volume 20 2024)
ReleasedMarch 29, 2024
67 Authors
144 Tables
35 Figures
- advertising value
- ambient marketing
- appearance
- attachment
- attention
- attitude
- attitude toward ads
- attribute
- Bangladesh
- bank marketing
- brand
- brand associations
- brand attitude
- brand awareness
- brand equity
- brand loyalty
- brand personality
- business incubators
- carbon labeling
- climate change
- Colombian banks
- company size
- complaint resolution
- comprehensive tool
- consumer
- consumer behavior
- consumer choice
- consumer engagement
- correlation analysis
- credibility
- customer engagement
- customer loyalty
- customer orientation
- customer satisfaction
- digital marketing
- digital strategy
- dynamic marketing capabilities
- e-commerce
- e-trust
- e-WOM
- emerging markets
- emissions
- entertainment
- environment awareness
- factors of behavior
- green consumption
- halal awareness
- Indonesia
- industrial sector
- influencer
- informativeness
- interaction
- interactivity
- irritation
- Jordan
- Jordanian healthcare sector
- knowledge management
- low-cost carrier
- loyalty
- Malaysia
- marketing
- marketing communications
- marketing strategy
- memes
- minimarket retail
- model
- motives
- perceived behavioral control
- perceived brand quality
- perceived risk
- perceived usefulness of experience-based mechanisms
- perceived usefulness of institutional-based mechanisms
- perceived usefulness of seller-based mechanisms
- perceptions
- performance
- personalization
- price
- private university students
- profitability
- prostitute
- purchase intention
- questionnaire
- relationship
- religiosity
- repurchase intention
- retail banking
- retention
- retention strategies
- revisit intentions
- sales expense
- sales growth
- satisfaction
- Saudi Arabia
- scale
- Schwartz’s theory of values
- self-congruity
- sensation marketing
- service excellence
- similarity
- SmartPLS
- social marketing
- social media
- social media marketing
- Southeastern Nigeria
- startups
- storytelling
- strategies
- subjective norm
- substitution
- sustainability
- sustainable consumption
- tax avoidance
- theory of planned behavior
- theory of reasoned action
- tourism
- toy industry
- trends
- trust
- usage intention
- warning label
- young girls
Impact of meme marketing on consumer purchase intention: Examining the mediating role of consumer engagement
This paper analyzes an emerging form of social media marketing, meme marketing, which has gained attention for its ability to entertain and engage users. Marketers and companies are recognizing the value of using memes as a tool to connect with consumers. To understand the effects of meme marketing activities, this paper aims to examine the impact of meme marketing activities on consumer purchase intentions and concurrently assess the mediating role of consumer engagement. The study encompassed 452 Indian social media users with active social media accounts and familiarity with memes and meme marketing concepts. It employed a quantitative methodology backed by robust statistical techniques. The method used for analysis was Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) software. The results found that meme marketing activities have a direct and significant positive impact (β = 0.257, p < 0.05) on consumer purchase intentions. It further shows that meme marketing has a direct and significant positive impact (β = 0.745, p < 0.05) on consumer engagement. It shows that consumer engagement has a direct and significant positive effect (β = 0.651, p < 0.05) on consumer purchase intention. However, the indirect impact of meme marketing activities on consumer purchase intentions is also significant, resulting in partial mediation. The study findings hold value for marketing managers, agencies, and companies that interact and engage consumers with memes and undertake meme marketing activities.
Intention of Bangladeshi young girls toward green consumption: A study on private university students
Md. Shariful Haque, Abdullah Mohammad Ahshanul Mamun
, A.M. Shahabuddin
, Farzana Rahman
, Samihah Binte Sharif
Consumer purchase intentions determine the process of developing green consumption behavior. The demand for environmentally friendly goods has stayed divisive, multifaceted, and particular to each societal setting. In order to examine this, this paper applied Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior as a theoretical framework with modification of some factors to investigate the effect of subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, environmental responsibility, and self-efficacy on the purchase intention of Bangladeshi female students toward green consumption. A self-administered questionnaire is used to collect data from the respondents. Based on convenience and snowball sampling, 280 questionnaires were analyzed in this study, received from participants aged 18 to 25. The SPSS 22.0 and Smart-PLS were employed to analyze the model and estimate the parameters by considering a 95% confidence interval. The results indicate that all factors (p values < α = 0.01) had an overall significant and strong positive influence. Self-efficacy has a slight specific indirect effect (p = 0.051 > α = 0.05) on the purchase intention toward green consumption among university girls in Bangladesh. Additionally, this study explored a significant correlation between five independent variables and the dependent variable. The strongest correlation (r = 0.849) between green consumption behavior and environmental responsibility was discovered. Also, the t-test demonstrates that the intention to engage in green consumption significantly (tcal = 3.684 > tcri = 1.96) influences actual green consumption.
Social media, brand loyalty and the banking industry in Colombia
Heidy Rico, Mario de la Puente
, Juan Diego Rios Mahecha
, Helen Perez doi:
This study analyzed the relationship between retail bank customers’ loyalty and trust, and focused social media marketing in Barranquilla, Colombia. The survey was conducted in-person among customers (528 participants) at various Colombian banks over a period of seven months, from May 2021 to November 2021. The responses on the survey were rated on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from “Strongly disagree” to “Strongly agree”. The study also incorporated a focus group with 25 participants aged between 34 and 51. Moreover, the research employs factorial analysis to elucidate the underlying correlations between the variables. The discussion was structured around seven pre-determined variables: Personalization, Entertainment, Engagement, Marketing, Word of Mouth, Trust, and Loyalty. The load factors range between 0.583 and 0.914, implying a high correlation between the survey questions and the constructs. The Cronbach’s Alpha values (from 0.753 to 0.996) and the Composite Reliability values (from 0.739 to 0.875) suggest a high level of internal consistency within the constructs. In the realm of social media marketing, the research underscores the pivotal role of trust as an intermediary in cultivating brand loyalty. The study abstains from concentrating on hypothesis testing, instead it illuminates the criticality of understanding the role trust plays in social media marketing. The research results provide valuable insights for future investigations as well as for enhancing service marketing strategies in the banking sector.
This study was funded by Education For All Online EU. We thank our participants for their generous contribution to this work. -
Factors influencing brand equity: Testing Aaker’s brand equity framework in Malaysian toy industry
Previous studies have demonstrated varying associations between fundamental components of brand equity within diverse sectors. The purpose of the current study is to examine the influence of Aaker’s brand equity model’s dimensions (brand awareness, brand loyalty, perceived quality, and brand association) on brand equity in the context of toy brands in Malaysia. The study employs a quantitative-based correlation design within a non-controlled setting, using a cross-sectional approach with individuals as the unit of analysis. The population consists of respondents from the general public aged 18 and above, as they are valid buyers of toys. Data collection was conducted using a non-probability sampling method. The questionnaire was sent to the targeted respondents using online Google Form links. A comprehensive dataset from 384 respondents was gathered for descriptive analysis of the demographic profile. Hypothesis testing was performed using regression analysis. The findings indicate that, except for brand associations, the remaining three factors – perceived quality (Beta = .377, p < .001), brand loyalty (Beta = .338, p < .001), and brand awareness (Beta = .221, p < .01) – exhibit a statistically significant positive correlation with the brand equity of children’s toy brands in Malaysia.
The authors thank INTI International University, Malaysia, for providing financial support to publish this paper. -
An analysis of service quality and complaint handling in the Jordanian healthcare sector: Implications for TQM and customer retention
Khaled M. Aboalganam, Amro Alzghoul
, Hasan Alhanatleh
This study aims to investigate the interconnections among total quality management, service quality, customer retention, and moderating influence of customer complaint handling within the healthcare industry of Jordan. The paper used a quantitative approach, by using PLS-SEM as an approach selected for data analysis. 417 valid replies were gathered. The results found a positive association between total quality management and service quality (p-value < 0.05), underscoring the significance of total quality management principles in improving the provision of healthcare services. The study demonstrates a significant correlation between service quality and customer retention, thereby validating the importance of delivering exceptional healthcare experiences in boosting customer retention. Moreover, it is imperative to acknowledge that the degree of service quality plays a crucial function in facilitating the connection between total quality management and customer retention (p-value < 0.05). Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that customer complaints handling serves as a mechanism for reducing the negative effects of service quality on customer retention. The results offer useful insights for healthcare managers in Jordan, underscoring the significance of integrating total quality management practice, improving service quality, and developing efficient procedures for handling complaints. These approaches are imperative in fortifying customer interactions and augmenting customer retention rates.
Analysis of factors influencing intention to purchase halal Japanese food: The moderating role of religiosity
Afief El Ashfahany, Shafiyya Khansa Farrahvanaya
, Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro
, Suharjianto doi:
The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting the desire to purchase halal Japanese cuisine using the theory of planned behavior and religiosity as a moderator. The study employs the structural equation modeling partial least square (SEM PLS) method to analyze data obtained from questionnaires administered to 202 Muslim consumers at halal Japanese restaurants (Ramen Ya, Marugame Udon, and Sushi Tei). The findings demonstrate that attitudes (β = 0.228, p = 0.074), subjective norms (β = 0.198, p = 0.076), perceived behavioral control (β = 0.133, p = 0.035), and religiosity (β = 0.459, p = 0.000) significantly affect the intention to buy Japanese food labeled halal. In addition, halal awareness (β = 0.593, p = 0.000) and religiosity (β = 0.227, p = 0.039) also have a significant positive effect on attitude. However, the presence of religiosity does not significantly moderate the relationship between attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control towards purchase intention. Although religiosity does not act as a moderator, the outcomes of this analysis are expected to be useful for the Japanese halal cuisine sector, notably in countries with a majority Muslim population, to consider religiosity as an essential factor in increasing purchase intention.
The authors received financial support for the research, authorship, and publication of this article from Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia, under the Integration Research Grant Program (HIT).
Factors affecting brand preference in passenger car buying in Nepal
In today’s complex and highly competitive marketplace, marketers, realizing a need to develop sustainable strategies, have turned to branding as a solution. Understanding the brand preferences of consumers is always under discussion. In such context, this study measured the effects of price, attributes, brand personality, appearance, and self-congruity on brand preference in buying a passenger car. A deductive reasoning approach, quantitative method, and positivist epistemology with predetermined hypotheses were used. A six-point Likert scale structured survey was utilized to gather the primary information. The sample included 411 passenger car users in Nepal. A judgmental sampling technique and a causal research design were used. Through path analysis, the effect of price, attributes, brand personality, appearance, and self-congruity on dependent variables was identified using structural equation modeling. The study’s outcome showed that attribute (β = 0.062, p > 0.05), price (β = –0.041, p > 0.05), and appearance (β = 0.022, p > 0.05) have no significant positive impact on consumer brand preference. Moreover, the study discovered that brand preference is influenced by self-congruity (β = 0.297, p < 0.05) and brand personality (β = 0.232, p < 0.05) in buying passenger cars in Nepal. It is concluded that brand image and prestige are more critical for high-involvement products. These outcomes provide a road map for future scholars and business people with a view of the emerging context of market development.
The effect of influencer advertising on the intention to buy Wardah cosmetics in Indonesia
Cheery Pur Damayanti, Dara Ninggar
, Catur Sugiarto
Brands use influencers to approach their target market and promote their products. When influencers advertise and recommend cosmetic products, their followers are more likely to believe they are high-quality and safe. This study aims to determine whether advertising value affects purchase intention through attitude toward ads and brand attitude as mediator variables. Respondents in this study were Instagram users in Indonesia who had seen Ayana Jihye Moon’s advertising posts for Wardah products on Instagram. Data were collected through an online questionnaire from 312 respondents. This study uses a quantitative method and SEM-PLS. The results indicate a significant relationship between advertising value, purchase intention, attitude toward ads, and brand image. The findings also show that attitude toward ads and brand attitude significantly influence each other and purchase intention. The mediation test shows that the attitude toward the ad and brand attitude variables partially mediate. It means that the higher advertising value can increase favorable consumer attitudes toward ads, products, or brands. The more elevated the attitude of Instagram users toward influencer advertisements that appear on ads, the higher the attitude of Instagram users toward the brand.
Determinants affecting trust, satisfaction, and loyalty: A case study of low-cost airlines in Indonesia
Raihanah Daulay, Roswita Hafni
, Satria Mirsya Affandy Nasution , Jufrizen
, Muhammad Irfan Nasution
Innovative Marketing Volume 20, 2024 Issue #1 pp. 101-112
Views: 444 Downloads: 119 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯA low-cost carrier is an airline that offers lower rates but at a lesser cost, sacrificing some convenience. This study aims to determine the effect of service quality and brand image on trust, satisfaction, and passenger loyalty to low-cost airlines in Indonesia. Primary data were collected through Google Forms and submitted via WhatsApp with the criteria of having previously used the services of Indonesian low-cost airlines. Of the 300 respondents who received the questionnaire, only 242 filled it out accurately. The data were analyzed with the help of the SmartPLS program and structural equation modeling. The findings show that service quality and brand image positively and significantly affect passenger trust, satisfaction, and loyalty (p < 0.05). Trust positively and significantly affects satisfaction (p < 0.05). Trust and satisfaction positively and significantly affect loyalty (p < 0.05). Service quality and brand image affect satisfaction through trust (p < 0.05). Service quality and brand image affect loyalty through satisfaction (p < 0.05), and trust affects loyalty through satisfaction (p < 0.05).
The research funding for this study was provided by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia under the Basic Research for Higher Education Excellence (PDUPT) category in 2022. Additionally, gratitude is extended to the various levels of leadership at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, including the leadership of the Faculty of Economics and Business and the personnel of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. -
The relationship between sales growth, profitability, and tax avoidance
Innovative Marketing Volume 20, 2024 Issue #1 pp. 113-121
Views: 777 Downloads: 370 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe study aims to examine the intricate interplay between sales growth, profitability, and tax avoidance strategies adopted by firms. Through an analysis of a diverse dataset spanning multiple industries and regions, this study investigates how sales growth influences a firm’s marketing approach to tax avoidance and its subsequent impact on profitability. The sample is Jordanian industrial firms listed on the Amman Stock Exchange for the study period between 2010 and 2020. Four critical variables used in the dataset are tax avoidance, return on assets, sales, and size. It employs a mixed-methods approach, including quantitative regression analysis and qualitative assessments of corporate tax strategies. The study results reveal a strong negative relationship between ROA and tax avoidance; for every unit increase in ROA, tax avoidance decreases by 0.198 units. Sales, however, do not exhibit a statistically significant association with tax avoidance. Firm size is an additional predictor with a marginally significant direct link with tax avoidance (β = 0.042, p = 0.049). This study highlights the central role of profitability in shaping tax avoidance strategies, with larger firms marginally more inclined toward tax planning.
Factors affecting users’ brand awareness through social media marketing on TikTok
Innovative Marketing Volume 20, 2024 Issue #1 pp. 122-131
Views: 2506 Downloads: 778 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯTikTok is increasingly influential in promoting brand awareness and boosting purchase intention. From a social media marketing perspective, brand awareness significantly influences consumers’ purchasing decisions. The primary objective of this study is to investigate and measure the factors influencing the brand awareness of TikTok users through social media marketing communications. The paper employs exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach’s Alpha test, and regression analysis to test the hypotheses. 24 observed variables were divided into six groups. Each variable was assessed using a 5-point Likert scale. The sample size includes 240 valid responses from TikTok users collected via convenience sampling. The questionnaire was distributed to TikTok users from Vietnam via the link on Google Forms. The collected data were processed by SPSS 20 software. The results suggest that six independent variables positively affect brand recognition via social media marketing on TikTok, with a 95% confidence interval at Sig. = 0.000 (0.05). Each of the six variables positively impacts initial expectations and is statistically significant at 1%. The results show that trends (Beta = 0.299) are the most decisive factors impacting brand awareness of TikTok users. Besides, electronic word of mouth (Beta = 0.242), influencer (Beta = 0.220), entertainment (Beta = 0.206), interaction (Beta = 0.200), and storytelling (Beta = 0.179) also positively affect the brand awareness of TikTok users. Limitations and further research suggest that marketers should investigate the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the consumer’s brand awareness-constructing process.
The impact of dynamic marketing capabilities on startup performance: A case of business incubators in Jordan
Innovative Marketing Volume 20, 2024 Issue #1 pp. 132-145
Views: 545 Downloads: 188 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯDynamic marketing capabilities provide startups with the platform and market knowledge that entitle them to achieve their goals and survive the competition. The study aims to examine the impact of dynamic marketing capabilities dimensions on startups’ performance in Jordan. This quantitative study employs a questionnaire to solicit answers from respondents who are the incubates that use business incubator services. A total of 302 entrepreneurs from different incubator centers in Jordan participated in the online survey. Using the SmartPLS program version 4, structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to examine the study model. The findings indicate that startup performance is significantly impacted by dynamic marketing capabilities (β = 0.937, t = 127.2, p = >0.00). Concerning absorptive capacity, both dimensions revealed a significant impact on startup performance: potential absorptive capacity (β = 0.251, t = 7.932, p > 0.000) and realized absorptive capacity (β = 0.177, t = 5.409, p > 0.000). For knowledge management, the results for knowledge acquisition were β = 0.360, t = 11.089, p = >0.000, for knowledge dissemination, β = 0.102, t = 2.367, p = >0.018, and for responsiveness to knowledge β = 0.318, t = 6.852, p = >0.000.
Factors influencing carbon-labeled product purchase intentions: A case study in Vietnam
Innovative Marketing Volume 20, 2024 Issue #1 pp. 146-159
Views: 573 Downloads: 261 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aims to examine university students’ intention to purchase carbon-labeled products in Can Tho City, Vietnam, as well as the main reasons driving the desire to purchase carbon-labeled products. A survey was conducted using quantitative analytic methodologies, and 234 students’ responses were obtained using Google Forms during the third quarter of 2023. Before surveying student participants, ten educational experts crafted and reviewed a questionnaire. The questionnaire had three sections. Structural equation modeling (SEM) and SPSS are used to assess the data. This study analyzed independent variables such as sustainable consumption habits, the green halo effect, carbon label visibility, and climate consciousness to consider their impact on the dependent variable of purchase intention. To guarantee the dependability of these variables, Cronbach’s Alpha was employed with a threshold set at 0.60. The findings demonstrate Vietnamese students’ comparatively low level of understanding regarding carbon labeling. Only 45.7% of the 234 survey participants claimed to have heard of carbon labels, compared to 54.3% who said they had never heard of them. Furthermore, sustainable consumption habits and the green halo effect directly impact the intentions to purchase carbon-labeled products, in which sustainable consumer habits play the most critical role. Carbon label visibility and climate consciousness do not directly influence the intention to buy, but these factors contribute to increasing purchase intention.
Digital marketing and customer orientation as predictors of sustainability in tourism SMES
Nancy Tupac Yupanqui Lima, Karla Liliana Haro-Zea
, Robin Alexander Díaz Saavedra
Innovative Marketing Volume 20, 2024 Issue #1 pp. 160-171
Views: 1009 Downloads: 280 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯDigitalization in the business world is one of the crucial milestones that has generated great expectations and levels of importance in different business sectors, which is why this study aimed to analyze the influence of digital marketing and customer orientation on the sustainability of tourism small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Cusco, Peru. For the generation of the items, an evaluation of the sufficiency, coherence, clarity, and relevance was made by means of an expert panel of five professionals and five academics from the area of marketing and sustainability from three countries (Colombia, Peru, and Mexico), who have more than 20 years of experience. The fieldwork was carried out through convenience sampling with 516 companies in the tourism sector. The data were collected through a survey online in Google Forms, distributed through social networks: WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and email in Cusco, Peru, during July and August 2022. The confirmatory analysis was performed. In the theoretical model analysis, an adequate fit was obtained, 2 = 303.74, p < .001, IFC = .934, RMSEA = .078, SRMR = .054, with an appropriate internal consistency (digital marketing α = 0.95, customer orientation α = 0.96, sustainability α = 0.90).
Leveraging influencer marketing for banks: An empirical study on young consumers in Vietnam
Innovative Marketing Volume 20, 2024 Issue #1 pp. 172-184
Views: 574 Downloads: 371 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study examines the role of influencer marketing for banks in Vietnam with the objective of reaching to the demographic of young customers between the ages of 18 and 35. A quantitative methodology was utilized in this study, which involved the distribution of an online survey to a total of 732 young banking consumers in Vietnam. The data were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The results indicated significant positive indirect effects on the intention to use influencer marketing in relation to influencer credibility, trustworthiness, expertise, friendliness, similarity, and attractiveness. The impacts mentioned were mediated by the individual’s attitude toward the influencer. Favorable attitudes toward an influencer boosted respondents’ intention to use endorsed banking products/services. Similarly, positive attitudes toward influencers directly increased usage intentions. The results offer innovative empirical proof that partnering with influencers on social media can serve as a successful marketing tactic for banks to positively impact the acceptance of their services among young consumers in Vietnam’s digital landscape. The study provides practical recommendations for banks to effectively identify and collaborate with influencers who have the strongest appeal to youth target audiences.
I would like to express my gratitude to those of you who took part in the survey and to the Ho Chi Minh University of Banking for their assistance in enabling me to finish my research. -
Social marketing efficacy in driving attitudinal changes of female students: Escapade of campus prostitution in Nigerian universities
Victor O. Okolo, Millicent Ifeyinwa Ohanagorom
, Gbemisola Ogbolu
, Ifeanyichukwu Oranusi
, Charles Eze Obeta
Innovative Marketing Volume 20, 2024 Issue #1 pp. 185-198
Views: 306 Downloads: 142 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯCampus prostitution, quite different from traditional prostitution, is commonly known as “hook-up” and it is highly frowned upon as a major social vice in Nigeria. This study examined the potentials of Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp in influencing the attitudinal change of female students toward campus prostitution in Nigerian universities. The population comprises female students in select universities in Southeastern Nigeria. However, Cochran’s formula was used to determine the sample size. Snowball sampling was used in selecting every identified hook-up girl who subsequently contacted a co-prostitute via referral after being offered monetary incentive. A pilot survey was conducted, and the study obtained Cronbach’s Alpha value of 0.890. Furthermore, 384 structured questionnaires were distributed, and 325 were adequately returned. Hence, simple linear regression was used to analyze the data and the findings revealed that Facebook messages significantly and positively influence the attitudinal change of female students toward campus prostitution (r = 0.981; t = 157.402; F = 24775.501; p < 0.05). Similarly, Twitter messages significantly and positively influence the attitudinal change of female students toward campus prostitution (r = 0.977; t = 144.375; F = 20844.055; p < 0.05). Lastly, WhatsApp messages significantly and positively influence the attitudinal change of female students toward campus prostitution (r = 0.984; t = 174.458; F = 30435.505; p < 0.05). Thus, these tools are potentially effective and should be adopted by the university authorities to engender high moral standards.
Identifying the system of value factors of green consumer choice
Liudmyla Potrashkova, Viktor Zaruba
, Diana Raiko
, Oleksiy Yevsyeyev
To justify the production of green products, it is necessary to anticipate the choice of consumers toward products with different environmental friendliness. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the factors that determine this choice, particularly value factors. The study is based on the idea that a consumer is stimulated to eco-consumption by a set of values, not excluding individualist values; and the influence of values is mediated by motives. The purpose of the study is to develop the theoretical foundations of constructing a three-level system of value factors of green consumption on the example of office paper consumption. As a result, the study formed a system of factors containing preferences, motives, and values of office paper consumers. According to the proposed approach, for each respondent, quantitative characteristics of the elements of the system of factors were determined through a survey, which made it possible to identify correlation relationships between the elements. A pilot study was used to test the proposed approach to constructing a value factors system. The results of the pilot survey showed a positive connection between eco-friendliness of consumer preferences – through motives – with such values as “Nature,” “Self-development,” “Country success,” and “Social power.” This finding provides additional justification for the assumption that individuals are driven to green consumption not only by socially oriented values but also by individualistic values. Identifying the value factors of green consumption will allow predicting consumer behavior and influencing it through targeted marketing offers.
Elucidating drivers of repurchase intention in the e-marketplace through the lens of online trust-building mechanisms
Brandon Wen, Florentina Kurniasari
, Elissa Dwi Lestari
Indonesia has low e-commerce transactions despite high internet usage. This study examines the e-repurchase intention on Lazada Indonesia, an e-marketplace with declining traffic and sales. This study uses the perceived usefulness of institutional-based mechanisms, the perceived usefulness of seller-based mechanisms, and the perceived usefulness of experience-based mechanisms to examine how trust in the e-market and e-seller affect repurchase intention. This quantitative study includes 231 Lazada Indonesia customers from the past three months (the survey was conducted in January 2023). The data were statistically analyzed with partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). 43.72% of the respondents shop one to three times a month, 42.42% – more than three times per month, and 13.85 – less than once per month. Trust in the e-marketplace increased when participants believed institutional-based processes were beneficial (with a beta value of 0.272 and a P value of 0.000) and seller-based mechanisms were valuable (with a beta value of 0.509 and a P value of 0.000). In terms of trust in the e-seller, only the perceived usefulness of seller-based mechanisms has a significant effect (with a beta value of 0.567 and a P value of 0.000), while the perceived usefulness of experience-based mechanisms has no effect. This study has also shown that e-seller trust significantly affects repurchase intention. Finally, with a beta value of -0.055 and a P value of 0.046, e-marketplace trust negatively moderates the relationship between e-seller trust and repurchase intention. Thus, e-marketplace trust can replace e-seller trust in customer repurchase intentions.
This study is conducted with the support of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.
The impact of surprise guerilla marketing on customer behavior
Innovative Marketing Volume 20, 2024 Issue #1 pp. 227-237
Views: 802 Downloads: 339 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aimed to investigate the impact of guerilla marketing (i.e., guerilla ambient marketing and guerilla sensation marketing) on customer behavior (i.e., customer purchase intention and customer brand attitude). The survey was held in May 2023; the questionnaire was distributed to a convenience sample of 450 customers of three malls in Jeddah city in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The analysis was conducted by IBM SPSS and AMOS using 344 retrieved responses. Exploring research factors, confirming goodness-of-fit, and testing the hypothesized effects, the results indicated that both dimensions of guerrilla marketing had significant effects on both dimensions of customer behavior. However, the effect of ambient marketing on customer purchase intention was greater than its effect on customer brand attitude. Conversely, the effect of sensation marketing on customer brand attitude was greater than its effect on customer purchase intention. The paper concludes that ambient marketing has more power to boost customer purchase intention in comparison with sensation marketing, which is suitable for elevating customer brand attitude. For that, enterprises are required to try nonconventional marketing practices such as guerilla marketing in order to change customer behaviors. Further studies should use other dimensions of guerilla marketing and target more customers from different locations.
Inbound marketing and customer loyalty in the tourism sector
Luis Miguel Saavedra-Azabache, Gaby Jesús Vilchez-Linares
, Segundo Edwin Cieza-Mostacero
Innovative Marketing Volume 20, 2024 Issue #1 pp. 238-250
Views: 740 Downloads: 217 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe inbound marketing strategies employed by tourism companies have proven to be crucial in post-COVID-19 scenarios, facilitating their adaptability, visibility, and customer retention in adverse environments. The study aimed to determine the relationship between inbound marketing and customer loyalty in the tourism sector. It is a quantitative, correlational, and non-experimental study. The sample consisted of 380 tourists aged 18 and above who visited Trujillo, Peru, in the first quarter of 2022. Data collection utilized the survey technique with a questionnaire as the research instrument. Survey data were tabulated in MS Excel and analyzed using Jamovi 2.3.38, employing descriptive and inferential statistics. The correlation was assessed using the Spearman coefficient. The results highlighted that 40.8% of participants agreed that inbound marketing strategies implemented by Trujillo’s tourism sector were highly effective, while 60.0% expressed strong loyalty to these companies. Ultimately, a significance level below 0.05 was identified between the variables, indicating a significant relationship between them. Consequently, the study concluded the existence of a direct and moderate relationship between inbound marketing and customer loyalty in the investigated group.
We express our gratitude to Antenor Orrego Private University for their invaluable support in the development of our research thesis. The guidance and resources provided were instrumental in achieving our academic objectives.
We extend special thanks to the Faculty of Economic Sciences for their constant support, guidance, and valuable suggestions that have significantly enriched the quality of this research work. Additionally, we appreciate the teaching staff for their inspiration and dedication, which has positively influenced our academic and professional growth.
The infrastructure and learning environment of Antenor Orrego Private University have played a crucial role in the achievement of this milestone. This research article is the outcome of the solid foundation we have acquired during our time at this institution.
Finally, our sincere thanks to Antenor Orrego Private University for being the cornerstone of our academic education and for providing us with the necessary tools to carry out this research project. -
How consumers assess retailer brand substitution strategy: Impact of perceived similarity and consumer attachment
The objective of this study is to examine how consumers assess brand substitution strategies implemented by retailers, focusing specifically on the transition from Promogro to MG (Magasin Général) retailer brand. A quantitative study involving 351 Tunisian customers who regularly patronize supermarkets (Promogro and MG) was conducted to test hypotheses and analyze the impact of various factors in April 2022. The research model was evaluated through structural equation modeling (SEM) using the AMOS 22 software. The results indicate a negative correlation between consumers’ attachment to the old retail brand and their attitude toward the brand substitution process (β = –0.09*, p < 0.01). Furthermore, perceptions of the retailer brand emerged as a significant mediating factor influencing the relationship between attitudes and consumers’ intention to revisit the new retailer brand (β = 0.29**, confidence interval [0.17; 0.51]). Additionally, the study found that the association between consumer attachment and perceptions of the new retailer brand is positively moderated by perceived similarity (β = 0.226, p = 0.00). Specifically, when there is a high degree of resemblance between the two retailer brands, customers with a stronger attachment to the former brand tend to have a more favorable perception of the new retailer brand. This study provides valuable insights for managers, helping them identify critical success criteria that facilitate customer acceptance of brand changes and offering guidance on effectively substituting retailer brand names.
Impact of warning labels on sugary beverages on risk perception, attention, and purchase intentions
Innovative Marketing Volume 20, 2024 Issue #1 pp. 264-276
Views: 435 Downloads: 107 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe issue of warning labels on sweet beverage product packaging needs to be tested to determine its role in reducing product consumption. This study aims to examine the impact of warning labels on attention, risk perception, and purchase intention for sweet drink products. The paper conducted an experiment involving 120 participants. Most respondents fall within the age range of 25 to 34 years (38.30%). The analysis was conducted at sports facilities, schools, and playgrounds – in three major cities in Indonesia (Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya). Two stimuli, sugar content labels and visual warning labels, were used after a pilot study. For data analysis, the study used univariate analysis of variance to assess the significance of each label stimulus interaction. Furthermore, this paper employed t-tests to check the significance of comparisons between cells. Through the difference test, the three hypotheses were accepted and had a significant effect. The findings reveal that the influence of visual warning labels on attention (t-value = 66.015), perceived risk (t-value = 68.064), and purchase intention (t-value = 60.483) is more significant than sugar content labels. These findings can serve as a set of innovative policies to support the success of demarketing strategies for sweet beverage products by governments and social marketing activists.
Determinants of impulse buying behavior: The mediating role of positive emotions of minimarket retail consumers in Indonesia
Nel Arianty, Dedek Kurniawan Gultom
, Willy Yusnandar
, Muhammad Arif
Innovative Marketing Volume 20, 2024 Issue #1 pp. 277-287
Views: 648 Downloads: 216 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯImpulse buying is characterized by quick and unplanned purchasing decisions often triggered by perceived necessity or attractive offers. Minimarkets operate on a smaller scale than hypermarkets and supermarkets but significantly influence consumer behavior, mainly because they use various promotional strategies. This study aims to determine the effect of price discounts and store atmosphere on impulse buying behavior through positive emotions. This study was conducted in Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia, using a non-probability sampling approach; an online questionnaire was used to collect data from 180 participants through Google Forms. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) and partial least square (PLS) estimation methods. The results showed that price discounts and store atmosphere significantly affect positive emotions and impulse buying (p < 0.05). Positive emotions significantly affect impulse buying (p < 0.05). In addition, price discounts and store atmosphere affect impulse buying through positive emotions (p < 0.05). This study uncovers the complex mechanisms underlying consumer responses in the convenience store landscape, providing important insights for retailers and marketers in navigating the evolving retail terrain.
This research was funded by the Revenue and Expenditure Budget of the Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara following the assignment agreement letter in the context of implementing the Basic Research Program of the Revenue and Expenditure Budget of the Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra for the 2023 Fiscal Year, Number: 94/II.3- AU /UMSU-LP2M/C/2023.