Issue #3 (Volume 12 2014)
The Nexus model for local economic development
Shamim Bodhanya -
Job satisfaction in the royal Swaziland police service. A case study of Manzini and Hhohho regions
Ndiphethe Olive Mabila , Nirmala Dorasamy , Malcolm Wallis -
Service innovation: suggesting a typology of service innovation
Hugo Skaalsvik , Jon-Arild Johannessen
Perceived benefits of balanced scorecard implementation: some preliminary evidence
Dag Øivind Madsen , Tonny Stenheim -
The role of dominant power in supply chains
Tamás Brányi , László Józsa , Renáta Machová -
The influence of perceptions of organizational trust and fairness on employee citizenship
Michelle Mey , Amanda Werner , Anthonie Theron
Problems and Perspectives in Management