Issue #3 (Volume 8 2010)
Alternative vs. traditional corporate governance systems in Italy: an empirical analysis
Carlo Bellavite Pellegrini , Laura Pellegrini , Emiliano Sironi -
Are domestic savings and economic growth correlated? Evidence from a sample of Central and East European countries
Serhan Ciftcioglu , Nermin Begovic -
A financial analysis of born-global firms: evidence from Spain
Félix Jiménez-Naharro , M. José Palacín-Sánchez , Carmen Pérez-López , Antonio Trujillo-Ponce -
The relationship between individual characteristics and conflict handling styles – the case of Croatia
Nina Pološki Vokić , Sanja Sontor
E-HR and Employee Self-Service (ESS) in a British public sector organization: an exploratory analysis
Nneka Idam , Douglas Renwick
Problems and Perspectives in Management