Issue #2 (Volume 4 2013)
Environmental quality in a differentiated duopoly facing a minimum quality standard
Yeganeh H. Farzin , Ken-Ichi Akao -
Structure, conduct and the stochastic performance of food markets: theory and empirics
Garth Holloway , Ahmet Bayaner -
Unilateral actions as signals of high damage costs: distorting pre-negotiations emissions in international environmental problems
Urs Steiner Brandt , Niels Nannerup -
Ranching and public land use: American public opinion
Mariah D.R. Evans , Jonathan Kelley
Carbon markets, neo-liberalism and human rights: towards a win-win approach
Damilola S. Olawuyi -
Incentive to freeride in international climate cooperation
Can Wang , Zhugang Jin , Wenjia Cai -
Can spatial dependence enhance industry sustainability? The case of pasture-based beef
Inocencio Rodriguez , Gerard D’Souza , Thomas Griggs