Issue #3 (Volume 3 2012)
A structural VAR approach to disentangle RIN prices
Lihong Lu McPhail -
Economics of wastewater treatment: cost-effectiveness, social gains and environmental standards
Attila Moraes Jardim Junior , Denise Imbroisi , Jorge Madeira Nogueira , Pedro Henrique Zuchi da Conceição -
Potential and policy implications of reduction of nitrous oxide emission by technology in China
Huang Delin , Cai Songfeng , Wang Zhen -
Efficacy of the clean development mechanism in reducing greenhouse gas emissions: a theoretical model
Geethanjali Selvaretnam , Kannika Thampanishvong
Neighboring effects of deforestation: a spatial econometric approach
Inoussa Boubacar -
A water resource efficiency analysis of the Chinese industrial sector
Hidemichi Fujii , Shunsuke Managi , Shinji Kaneko -
The economic contribution of instream flows to the lower Connecticut River Watershed, New England, USA
Helen M. Poulos , Clement Loo , James G. Workman , Ann de Boer , Julia Michaels -
The frying pan or the fire: public attitudes about using herbicides to manage invasive weeds
Mariah Evans , Kimberly Rollins