Issue #1 (Volume 5 2009)
Do ethics have a place in marketing? An overview of the last 20 years
Fabien Durif , Raoul Graf , Marc-André Chaput , Rémi Ducharme , Aimane Elbakkali -
Brand strategy for bottom line markets
Rajagopal -
The relationship between political risk, national culture and foreign direct investment as a market entry strategy: perspectives from U.S. firms
Bruce Keillor , William Hauser , Adam Griffin
The relationship between atmospherics, services cape and destination attractiveness of a holiday destination
C.H. (Neels) van Heerden , Y. Botha , E. Durieux -
Inflicting pain for gain: Insights on the spam problem
Ramendra Thakur , John H. Summey , Siva K. Balasubramanian , Arifin Angriawan