Innovative development of the management potential at a modern enterprise
Article InfoVolume 20 2021, Issue #1, pp. 46-55
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The development of the national economy and its components in modern conditions is increasingly dependent on technological shifts based on innovation. The ability to form and effectively use potential is becoming a decisive factor in enhancing the competitiveness and development of enterprises. The development of managerial capacity will allow enterprises to adapt quickly to new environmental conditions and make effective management decisions. With the transformation of the economic system towards social orientation, there is a transition from outdated forms of enterprise potential management to a new vision of the quality of management potential. Basic approaches to assessing the quality of management potential in its innovative development were formed. The main features of the innovative development of managerial potential were identified. The main features of the development of innovative management potential were determined. A basic structure for management potential innovative development measures was proposed, which regulates that a company’s policy in the field of improving the efficiency of management capacity is a subordinate element of the general strategy of an enterprise, but at the same time it is necessary to monitor the balance between economic performance and social justice.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M21, L29, M50, O15
- Figure 1. Interdependence of the economic system type and requirements to the management potential
- Figure 2. Foundation of expenditure on innovative activity in 2020, mln UAH
- Figure 3. Graphic representation of the impact of financing parameters in terms of its individual sources on the dynamics of the total expenditure of domestic enterprises on innovation for the period 2013–2020
- Figure 4. Peculiarities of Management Potential Innovative Development
- Table 1. Enterprise Innovative Activity and Their Expenditure on Innovations in 2013–2020
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