Corporate image in behavioral marketing of business entities

  • Received April 2, 2018;
    Accepted May 7, 2018;
    Published May 10, 2018
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 14 2018, Issue #1, pp. 33-40
  • Cited by
    17 articles

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Nowadays, the development of an effective corporate image model is a topical issue. Under increasing competition in many economic spheres, forming the company’s reputation and meeting the growing needs of consumers are especially noteworthy. The purpose of the article is to develop a set of marketing measures that would contribute to the formation of a positive corporate image of business entities and support it in the long run. The relationship between the research subject and the consumer needs is highlighted. The article deals with the features of behavioral economics and general approaches to shaping the corporate image. It is proposed that business entities should take into account five target segments, including clients, suppliers, shareholders, employees, and intermediaries when forming a positive corporate image. It is noted that each of these subjects is an “econ” who does not make rationalistic decisions, but places emphasis on spontaneity and emotionality. It is also noted that it is difficult to predict the situation of forming a positive corporate image of business entities. The results of this article can be used in further research and taken into account when creating a corporate image of an enterprise.

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    • Fig. 1. The corporate image model by LeBlanc and Nguyen
    • Fig. 2. The model by Tubillejas, Cuadrado, and Frasquet (2011)
    • Fig. 3. Relationship between corporate image components and customer attraction
    • Fig. 4. The structure of business entities’ corporate image through behavioral marketing