Impact of trust and justice on willingness to cooperate with the police: Evidence from Indonesian millennials

  • Received May 30, 2023;
    Accepted July 19, 2023;
    Published August 10, 2023
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 21 2023, Issue #3, pp. 280-289
  • Cited by
    2 articles

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Millennial generation is known as a generation active in social, political, and technological activities. Therefore, this generation highly values the aspect of justice to promote trust and willingness to collaborate, especially with the police. In this regard, this study aims to explain the correlation between trust and willingness to collaborate with the police. This study also explains the relationship of trust and the willingness of the millennial generation to collaborate with the police with procedural justice and distributive justice as moderating factors. The study involved survey data from 340 millennials who have been served by the police in West Java, Indonesia. Furthermore, data were analyzed using the Hayes Process Macro Model 2 through SPSS to test the study hypotheses. This study showed that trust have a positive impact on willingness to collaborate with the police (Coef = 0.4346, p < 0.05). Furthermore, procedural justice positively moderated the correlation between trust and willingness to cooperate with the police (Coef = 0.0920, p < 0.05). Procedural justice was found to strengthen the correlation between trust of millennials and willingness to collaborate with the police. Meanwhile, distributive justice did not moderate the correlation between trust in police and willingness to collaborate with the police (Coef = –0.0571, p > 0.05). This study is useful in developing knowledge concepts regarding factors that can improve the willingness of the millennial generation to collaborate with the police.

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    • Figure 1. Conceptual framework
    • Table 1. Factor loadings, composite reliability, AVE, Cronbach Alpha
    • Table 2. Summary of correlation and discriminant validity
    • Table 3. Regression analysis predicting millennials’ collaboration with the police
    • Table 4. Results of highest order unconditional interaction test:
    • Conceptualization
      Syahrul Anwar
    • Formal Analysis
      Syahrul Anwar
    • Funding acquisition
      Syahrul Anwar
    • Resources
      Syahrul Anwar
    • Supervision
      Syahrul Anwar
    • Writing – original draft
      Syahrul Anwar, M. Sandi Marta
    • Writing – review & editing
      Syahrul Anwar
    • Data curation
      M. Sandi Marta
    • Investigation
      M. Sandi Marta
    • Methodology
      M. Sandi Marta
    • Software
      M. Sandi Marta
    • Validation
      M. Sandi Marta