Hospital’s competitive advantage through service quality, information systems and Islamic work ethics
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #2, pp. 193-204
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The aim of this study is to analyze and measure the factors that influence competitive advantage seen from the quality of services, Islamic work ethics and information systems. The population of this study was all patients of BPJS participants in hospitals in Kuningan, West Java. This study uses a proportional random sampling technique to determine the sample. The respondents of this study were 115 respondents. Analysis was carried out using Partial Least Square (PLS). Results of the study prove that Islamic work ethics are positive and significant to competitive advantage. Competitive advantage can also be influenced by the hospital information system. Service quality also has a positive and significant influence on competitive advantage. Islamic work ethics, information system and service quality is a factor that can build competitive advantage in hospitals in Kuningan.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L10
- Figure 1. Research model
- Table 1. Path coefficient for Islamic work ethics and service quality
- Table 2. Path coefficient for Islamic work ethics and sustainable competitive advantage
- Table 3. Path coefficient for service quality and sustainable competitive advantage
- Table 4. Path coefficient for information systems and service quality
- Table 5. Path coefficient for information system and sustainable competitive advantage
- Table 6. R-Square
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