Formation of international employee competencies in the conditions of the global labor market transformation

  • Received June 2, 2020;
    Accepted June 24, 2020;
    Published November 13, 2020
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 10 2020, Issue #2, pp. 1-9
  • Cited by
    2 articles

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Globalization of the labor market and development of international innovative cooperation, taking into account international production factors, intensify the process of forming a modern type of a migrant worker – an international worker. Today’s global market of labor resources places high requirements to the workforce. New criteria appear in relation to the quality of the individual’s labor potential implemented in global economic relations, and the quality of labor, determined by the worker’s qualification and skills, work attitude and sophistication of social and economic thinking, becomes the most important criterion. The quality of labor resources in the international labor market includes many characteristics, such as availability of international work experience, knowledge of the national specifics of various countries, the importance of international communication culture, etc., which are minimally present in the characteristics of labor resources at the national level. Given the above, the purpose of this article is to study the qualities, competencies and level of training of an innovative international worker. The study characterized key factors of the process of developing an international worker, some of which are worth noting: the appearance of unified international requirements to the worker’s education and qualification, formation of global information and communication networks, growth of transnational corporations. It was concluded that the success of a worker of an international enterprise depends on the worker’s professional, social, entrepreneurial and personal competencies, etc., while the key indicators of the worker’s different-culture competence profile are professional, social, entrepreneurial and personal competences, ability to learn foreign languages and current family situation.

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    • Figure 1. Основні фактори процесу формування інтернаціонального працівника
    • Table 1. Показники інтеркультурного профілю компетентності працівника
    • Table 2. Прогнозовані зміни щодо частки зайнятих за сферами працевлаштування в ЄС, 2016-2030 рр. (для держав-членів ЄС-28)
    • Conceptualization
      Ganna Smaliychuk
    • Data curation
      Ganna Smaliychuk
    • Formal Analysis
      Ganna Smaliychuk