Examining factors influencing Indian customers’ intentions and adoption of internet banking: Extending TAM with electronic service quality
Article InfoVolume 15 2019, Issue #2, pp. 42-57
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This study conceptualizes and tests an integrative research model based on extended technology acceptance model (TAM) by integrating electronic service quality to strengthen the customer behavioral intention mediated through brand attitude in the context of e-banking in India. This study applies the cognitive, affective, and conative sequence to measure the antecedents and results of electronic service quality. The study has gathered a total of 455 usable responses by self-administered questionnaire through convenience sampling from young employed graduates aged between 16 and 29 years. Structural equation modelling techniques have been applied to the data and the results have provided that dimensions of electronic service quality model (customer service, web design, assurance, preferential treatment, information provision) relate to the electronic service quality. Electronic service quality and perceived usefulness significantly build customer attitude and intention to use internet banking services. However, against the TAM postulation, perceived ease of use does not influence customer’s intention to adopt internet banking service.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M310, O330
- Figure 1. The technology acceptance model
- Figure 2. Proposed research model
- Figure 3. Results of structural model testing
- Table 1. Profile of respondents
- Table 2. Confirmatory factor analysis statistics
- Table 3. Assessment of discriminant validity
- Table 4. Results of hypotheses testing
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