Enhancing the public value of mobile fintech services through cybersecurity awareness antecedents: A novel framework in Jordan
Article InfoVolume 21 2024, Issue #1, pp. 417-430
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The study aimed to link cybersecurity awareness and its antecedents to discover the level of public value of using mobile financial services from the perspective of ‘citizens in the government context in Jordan. The quantitative approach was customized to serve the purposes of this study. A convenience sampling method was used based on 550 e-survey Jordanians from whom data were collected. A total of 449 responses were used in the analysis process. A structural equation model was specified to evaluate the developed research model. The results revealed that all hypotheses are accepted at less than P<0.001, cybersecurity awareness and predictions of financial services systems play a significant role in determining the use of financial services systems and generating the value of using financial services. Moreover, combining cybersecurity awareness with public value theory is an important approach to measure the performance of government institutions, especially in the financial services industry. Therefore, these results can be used to develop financial services and meet Jordanians’ requirements. Therefore, providing well-understood dimensions that influence the value of microfinance service use among Jordanians is a necessary process that probably ensures long-term sustainability of microfinance services. Finally, future efforts can explore the benefits and challenges of adopting digital transformation technologies in the public sector and financial services. Furthermore, the term government resilience is likely provided new insights to enhance public administration performance based on technology trends. Digital transformation, integrating government flexibility with the existing research model may influence the overall value of Mobile Fintech Services in Jordan.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G23, O33, L86, M15
- Figure 1. The developed model of the current research
- Figure 2. The retrieved graphic of the model hypotheses results (SEM)
- Table 1. Composite reliability and convergent validity of constructs’ study
- Table 2. Discriminant validity assessment
- Table 3. Results of the study hypotheses
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