Empirical evidence of market reactions based on signaling theory in Indonesia stock exchange
Article InfoVolume 16 2019, Issue #2, pp. 66-77
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Signaling theory assumes that it is necessary to signal investors to how they perceive company’s prospects. One of them is dividend announcements. The announcement of dividends is predicted to be a signal for investors in the investment decision making process. This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of dividend announcements, both increases and decreases in dividends, on stock returns. This study is intended to find empirical evidence about market reactions based on signaling theory in Indonesia Stock Exchange on the period 2017. The analysis of this study uses the event study method and hypothesis testing carried out using different test paired sample t-test. The results of this study prove that the market reacts to the announcement of dividends. The market reaction is indicated by the value of abnormal returns, namely abnormal returns in the positive direction when the announcement of dividend increased and abnormal returns in the negative direction when the announcement of dividend decreased. The value of abnormal returns in a positive direction reflects the company’s performance in good condition, and vice versa. This result indicates that dividend announcements are a signal and contain information relevant to investors in the investment decision making process.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G14, G35, M21
- Table 1. Different test results before and after announcement of increase in dividends based on average abnormal return on the period 2017
- Table 2. Different test results before and after announcement of decreases in dividends based on average abnormal return on the period 2017
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