Does standardization have an impact on innovation activity in different countries?
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #4, pp. 486-503
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Nowadays, innovation and standardization are very important issues. The aim of this paper was to review the relationship between the components of the Summary Innovation Index (SII) according to the European Innovation Scoreboard and the features that determine the innovation level in 35 countries (taking into account the number of the following certificates: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 50001, ISO 22000, ISO 13485) in 2017. The innovation ranking was created for these countries, considering the fact of certification for compliance with the ISO requirements. In this paper, an attempt was made to determine whether countries with very low innovation activity (performance) are at the same time characterized by a very low level of saturation with globally recognized ISO certificates, which confirm the implementation, functioning and improvement of selected types of management systems. The conclusions from the study are as follows: 1) standardization can be seen as an innovation tool; 2) as the number of ISO 9001 certificates increases, the number of ISO 14001 certificates (per the population of 100,000 people) also increases; 3) as the number of ISO 13485 certificates increases, the value of the SII also becomes higher. The features are modelled at 70%; 4) the weakest relationship can be observed between the SII and the ISO 9001 certification; 5) Switzerland obtained the highest mean value set for the innovation index proposed in the study, suggesting that the country can be considered the innovation leader of 2017 from among the countries investigated. The last (35th) place in the ranking was occupied by Ukraine.
The authors are thankful to The Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland for financial support to carry out this research.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L15, O31, Q56
- Figure 1. Scatter plot between ISO 13485 and SII
- Figure 2. Bagplot between ISO 13485 and SII
- Figure 3. Scatter plot between SII and Research Systems
- Figure 4. Bag plot between SII and Research Systems
- Figure 5. Countries grouping results
- Figure 6. Mean values of the SII in the created clusters
- Figure 7. Relationship between the ranking of countries and the SII
- Table 1. The basic descriptive statistics of components adopted for the study – 2017
- Table 2. Correlation between different types of ISO indicators and SII
- Table 3. Correlation between the SII and innovation dimensions
- Table 4. Ranking of the innovation activity of countries in 2017, created on the basis of features adopted for the study (the SII is not taken into account)
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