Creating social entrepreneurship value for economic development
Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #4, pp. 124-137
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This study studies social entrepreneurial competencies, social values, and transformational leadership. They are a requirement during the COVID-19 pandemic. It arises to find out the effect of social entrepreneurship on social values and the influence of transformational leadership in memorizing the influence of social entrepreneurship on social values with a total of 200 respondents as social entrepreneurship leaders who have been announced in Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative method with a structural equation model (SEM) analysis tool in AMOS software. SEM analysis in this study uses the moderating SEM method with a mixed-methods approach. Data analysis has been carried out through data processing. The values obtained mean that higher social entrepreneurship will increase social value by 9.4%; if transformational leadership increases, a significance value of 0.85 is obtained. This value is greater than 0.05. It is proved that the role of social entrepreneurship fosters innovative abilities, proactive development, and the courage to take risks for the people in Indonesia and the impact of social values fosters social recognition, responsibility, and contribution to the economy with attitudes with potential transformational leadership behaviors as well as inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and consideration of the community.
The author appreciates the contribution of all co-authors in preparing the data set.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)A13, M21
- Figure 1. Research model
- Figure 2. Path diagram of social entrepreneurship
- Figure 3. Path diagram of social value
- Figure 4. Path diagram of transformational leadership
- Figure 5. Moderating SEM analysis with a mixed-method approach
- Table 1. Validity of loading factor and significance of social entrepreneurship
- Table 2. Validity of loading factor and significance of social value
- Table 3. Validity of loading factor and significance of transformational leadership
- Table 4. Normality test
- Table 5. Hypothesis testing
- Table 6. The goodness of fit test
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