Corporate culture interplay issues in global economy


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The topic of this paper is the comparative analysis assessment of American and European (Slovak) systems of corporate culture describing the cultural differences within transnational companies. The study is comparing the American system of corporate culture with Slovak corporate culture model. The goal of this paper is to figure out the real model of an American enterprise within its interaction with European (Slovak) enterprise and detect the differences between them. Based on the SWOT analysis coming out of two surveys via questionnaires outputs, the comparative analysis assessment dealing with the successful symbiosis of foreign American company operating within the European (Slovak) enterprise environment will be worked out. The paper reveals the similarities and differences between the Slovak and U.S. corporate culture standards such as conflict avoidance, focus on relationships, self-confidence of comparing cultures, personal responsibility, one’s own initiative and autonomy and so on.

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    • Figure 1. Corporate culture sources
    • Table 1. The U.S. corporate culture system at Johnson Controls (by using the SWOT method)
    • Table 2. Slovak corporate culture system at HBP, a.s. Prievidza (by using the SWOT method)
    • Table 3. The comparison of Johnson Controls, Inc. Trenčín and HBP, a.s. Prievidza